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by OB SeaDAS - dshea
Fri Jun 17, 2022 11:41 am America/New_York
Forum: Home
Question: “” is missing for OCSSW
Replies: 5

Re: “” is missing for OCSSW

MSI does not work with the "R" tags or any "T" tag > T2022.13
I would suggest you use the standard tag for MSI (V2022.0)
We will look into updating the MSI processing.

by OB SeaDAS - dshea
Thu May 19, 2022 8:41 am America/New_York
Forum: Home
Question: Seadas T2022.2 modis_atteph and getanc issues
Replies: 1

Re: Seadas T2022.2 modis_atteph and getanc issues

The SST file has a variable with the ice data in it. For the VIIRS J2 file in your example, notice the variable named "ice" from the dump of the NetCDF file: dshea@gs616-skeletonema anc % getanc icefile=/Users/dshea/ocssw/var/anc/2021/182/N2021182_SST_OIV2AV_24h...
by OB SeaDAS - dshea
Thu May 05, 2022 11:50 am America/New_York
Forum: Home
Question: Reducing processing time required to produce l2gen formatted metadata
Replies: 2

Re: Reducing processing time required to produce l2gen formatted metadata

MSI files take a long time to read into l2gen. Since we do not really support MSI data, we just whipped up a less than optimal reader. If you want the scan line data for each line, all the data will be read and it takes a long time. If you do not need the data for each line and just the global attri...
by OB SeaDAS - dshea
Thu May 05, 2022 11:35 am America/New_York
Forum: Home
Question: Failed to compile OCSSW on Debian 11
Replies: 2

Re: Failed to compile OCSSW on Debian 11

The directions to compile the source code are here:

It looks like you never built the $OCSSWROOT/opt/src which is step 6.

by OB SeaDAS - dshea
Thu May 05, 2022 11:23 am America/New_York
Forum: Home
Question: l2gen Try doing atomsphreic correction
Replies: 4

Re: l2gen Try doing atomsphreic correction

This error will happen if you have older binaries and newer ocssw/share data files. The avw_coef parameter is a newish param. I am pretty sure this error will not happen if the binaries and share tree are from the same tag.

by OB SeaDAS - dshea
Tue Apr 26, 2022 2:14 pm America/New_York
Forum: Home
Question: Seadas T2022.2 modis_atteph and getanc issues
Replies: 12

Re: Seadas T2022.2 modis_atteph and getanc issues

if you look at the SST file you will notice that there is an ice variable in it, so it has the ice fraction data. For example: dshea@gs616-skeletonema ~ % ncdump -h /Users/dshea/ocssw/var/anc/2018/023/ netcdf N2018023_SST_OIV2AV_24h { dimensions: time = UNLIMITED ; // (1 cu...
by OB SeaDAS - dshea
Mon Apr 25, 2022 11:22 am America/New_York
Forum: Home
Question: l2gen Try doing atomsphreic correction
Replies: 4

Re: l2gen Try doing atomsphreic correction

What OS are you using, how did you install l2gen and could you post the actual command line you are trying to execute.

by OB SeaDAS - dshea
Thu Mar 10, 2022 12:21 pm America/New_York
Forum: Home
Question: l2gen processing error - SDwritedata
Replies: 4

Re: l2gen processing error - SDwritedata

The problem is that an HDF4 file can only store about 2G of data. With your requested products you can only output about 11000 lines before you exceed the HDF4 size limit. The input file has 17409 lines. I would suggest outputting netCDF files or using sline/eline to process half of the file in 2 ru...
by OB SeaDAS - dshea
Thu Mar 03, 2022 1:21 pm America/New_York
Forum: Home
Question: Python3 on Linux
Replies: 5

Re: Python3 on Linux

The problem is that you do not have a program called "python3"

Since you mentioned that you python is version 3 and not version 2.7, you need a link from python3 to python.
Assuming $HOME/bin is in your PATH, make a symbolic link

ln -s `which python` $HOME/bin/python3

by OB SeaDAS - dshea
Thu Feb 24, 2022 2:39 pm America/New_York
Forum: Home
Question: Parallel OCSSW l2gen code with OpenMP
Replies: 3

Re: Parallel OCSSW l2gen code with OpenMP

OCSSW_MPI=1 is only used to enable a few of the libraries in ocssw/opt/src to be compiled with openmpi support. We have some radiative transfer code that uses MPI on a parallel processing computer we have. After the OCSSW_MPI environment variable is set to 1, make sure you rebuild ocssw/opt/src Ever...