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by gnwiii
Thu Jan 12, 2017 2:02 pm America/New_York
Forum: Home
Question: Update the ocssw processors failed
Replies: 41

Update the ocssw processors failed

NASA is not the only organization moving to https or beefing up crypto protocols for https.  Many sites will be adopting the Mozilla Modern recommendations so if there are problems with NASA now there will be problems with others sites in the future.   It would be helpful to have some...
by gnwiii
Thu Jan 12, 2017 1:49 pm America/New_York
Forum: Home
Question: Connections to timing out!
Replies: 5

Connections to timing out!

Wget 1.13.4 is quite old, so there is a good chance it was built an old version of openssl or gnutls that lacks (Mozilla Modern) crypto support required with many sites that enforce https. The two most common crypto libraries on linux are openssl and gnutls, so it might be useful to check that ciphe...
by gnwiii
Thu Jan 12, 2017 9:47 am America/New_York
Forum: Home
Question: Installing SeaDAS with sudo or not?
Replies: 3

Installing SeaDAS with sudo or not?

The general principle is that sudo should only be used when absolutely necessary.  SeaDAS works fine when installed without sudo.Are you hoping to share one Seadas 7 install among multiple users?   That is generally not a good idea -- the GUI needs a lot of resources so multiple users...
by gnwiii
Wed Jan 11, 2017 8:18 am America/New_York
Forum: Home
Question: Update the ocssw processors failed
Replies: 41

Update the ocssw processors failed

Ubuntu 14.04 $ gnutls-cli -l | grep TLS1.2 is missing the required ciphers.    For this reason, I upgraded my home systems to Linux Mint 18 (based on Ubuntu 16.04) and get $ cat /etc/os-release NAME="Linux Mint"VERSION="18.1 (Serena)"ID=linuxmintID_LIKE=ubuntuPRETTY_NAM...
by gnwiii
Tue Jan 10, 2017 6:50 pm America/New_York
Forum: Home
Question: Update the ocssw processors failed
Replies: 41

Update the ocssw processors failed

You have:./ -v -i . -g -b v7.2 -a linux_64 -s --aquaI think you need the v7.3 branch for the https changes, but you also have a problem with git:Updating (fetch) existing repository - /home/woodbri/work/oceandata/run/data/commonfatal: unable...
by gnwiii
Fri Jan 06, 2017 2:37 pm America/New_York
Forum: Home
Question: hiccup with manual ocssw installation
Replies: 3

hiccup with manual ocssw installation

Have a look at the seadas-7.3.2/config/seadas.config file.  At the bottom you should see something like:# set location of OCSSWROOTseadas.ocssw.root = ${seadas_home}/ocsswseadas.ocssw.location = localThe default install location for is $HOME/ocssw, so unless you told it to use ...
by gnwiii
Tue Jan 03, 2017 10:13 am America/New_York
Forum: Home
Question: How to do atmospheric correction of Landsat 8 correctly through the l2gen GUI?
Replies: 2

How to do atmospheric correction of Landsat 8 correctly through the l2gen GUI?

I'd be worried that Landsat files could be too large to process reliably with 32-bit software, but there are a few VM-specific issues that might cause your problem.   Are your data files stored on the linux virtual disk?   In some VM's disk space set in the VM GUI is not ...
by gnwiii
Tue Feb 18, 2014 10:54 am America/New_York
Forum: Home
Question: HICO ancillary data
Replies: 5

HICO ancillary data

For future reference, the file command can often identify the type of a file:

$ file S200616718_NCEP.MET
S200616718_NCEP.MET: Hierarchical Data Format (version 4) data

The hdfview program (part of hdf-java) can usually read netcdf and hdf files (both older and current versions of the formats).