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The issue of l2gen processing Landsat 7.

Posted: Thu May 06, 2021 11:02 pm America/New_York
by qqq196988
Hello everyone

I try to use l2gen to process Landsat 7, but 478nm(Blue) band Processing failed.(all Nan). Other bands are normal.
I use the same command line to process Landsat 8,it normal. Anyone know the problem?

the code below:
l2gen ifile=... ofile=...
gas_opt=0 glint_opt=2 aer_opt=-10 l2prod=Rrs_nnn land=$OCDATAROOT/common/landmask_null.dat outband_opt=0 maskland=0 cloud_thresh=0.027 maskcloud=on oformat=hdf4

Re: The issue of l2gen processing Landsat 7.

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2021 9:26 am America/New_York
by OB.DAAC - amscott

I don't believe this is data that we process. Please contact USGS for help with this question.