Earth Reflectivity Data

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Earth Reflectivity Data

by amay » Tue Aug 18, 2020 2:06 pm America/New_York


I had been working of photodiode based Sun Sensors and required Earth reflectivity data for accounting for Earth albedo effect on sensor readings.

Currently, I was using data from the TOMS mission to calculate the albedo irradiance but was curious if there were other missions whose results would be preferable for this purpose. The TOMS data has a resolution of 1deg latitude and 1.25deg longitude. Any alternative would preferably have higher resolution in at least the equatorial regions.



GES DISC - jimacker
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Re: Earth Reflectivity Data

by GES DISC - jimacker » Tue Aug 18, 2020 2:22 pm America/New_York


What TOMS variable(s) are you using? The MERRA-2 dataset at the GES DISC has surface albedo data. We also have data from subsequent missions to TOMS -- OMI, OMPS, and TROPOMI, which may have data variables similar to what you are using with TOMS. And CERES data has other Earth radiation data variables -- CERES data is from the Atmospheric Science Data Center (ASDC).

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Re: Earth Reflectivity Data

by amay » Tue Aug 18, 2020 3:15 pm America/New_York

The reflectivity data I'm currently using is from an Albedo Toolbox written for MATLAB, which, from what I know, utilises mean of the monthly values in 'TOMSEPL3mref: TOMS Earth Probe UV Reflectivity Monthly L3 Global 1 deg x 1.25 deg Lat/Lon Grid V008' for the year 2004.

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