data related to atmosphere at different altitudes

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data related to atmosphere at different altitudes

by saivarunreddy » Sat Feb 18, 2023 3:45 pm America/New_York

I am a student of CHAITANYA BHARATHI INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, Hyderabad, INDIA. I am working on a project to develop an application that provides data to users about different health and atmospheric conditions at different altitudes.
And I need data related to Atmospheric pressure, Temperature, Humidity, Composition of air at different altitudes in 500 meters vertical range at the location of Mount Everest


GES DISC - jimacker
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Re: data related to atmosphere at different altitudes

by GES DISC - jimacker » Thu Feb 23, 2023 3:13 pm America/New_York

Dear Saivun Reddy,

This message was just recently viewed as you posted it at a time which included a holiday in the United States.

We have data from the Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS) that includes most of the parameters you requested. The data are available at pressure levels in hPA. You can investigate them using our Giovanni system.

I have created a search link below for the pressure level data parameters in Giovanni. You will be required to provide the time range of interest, the pressure, and the geographical boundaries. You will be able to obtain data for different pressure levels if you change the pressure level you request. NOTE: due to the altitude of the Himalayan region, data for higher pressures (i.e. lower altitudes) will not be available, as it does not exist for that location.

The search link includes all of the data variables available for various pressures. There are variables with daily and monthly temporal resolution. Also, some data variables were discontinued a few years ago due to changes in the satellite instruments; other variables are available for the entire mission from the commencement of data collection to present. Thus there will be different versions of the data for the same variable - the datasets with these variables have different names.

Please reply if you need additional assistance using Giovanni or for ordering data from the archive.


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