SeaDAS 8.3.9 MacOS version bugs

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SeaDAS 8.3.9 MacOS version bugs

by josbel96 » Mon Jun 05, 2023 11:44 am America/New_York

I have today installed the new version of SeaDAS, and this is how my System information looks like:

Main Application Platform:
Application Version: SeaDAS 8.3.9
SNAP Engine Version:* (SeaDAS Platform modified)
SNAP Desktop Version:* (SeaDAS Platform modified)
SNAP Engine Build Date: 202305250021
SNAP Desktop Build Date: 202305250031
Installation Directory: /Users/josbel/Applications/SeaDAS
Data Directory: /Users/josbel/.seadas8
Configuration: /Users/josbel/Applications/SeaDAS/etc/
VM Configuration: /Users/josbel/Applications/SeaDAS/etc/seadas.conf
WARNING!! File '/Users/josbel/Applications/SeaDAS/etc/seadas.conf' does not exist
VM Configuration: /Users/josbel/Applications/SeaDAS/etc/snap.conf
WARNING!! File '/Users/josbel/Applications/SeaDAS/etc/snap.conf' does not exist
VM Configuration (gpt): /Users/josbel/Applications/SeaDAS/bin/gpt.vmoptions
VM Configuration (pconvert): /Users/josbel/Applications/SeaDAS/bin/pconvert.vmoptions
Runtime Configuration: /Users/josbel/.seadas8/etc/
Runtime Configuration (SeaDAS Toolbox): /Users/josbel/.seadas8/etc/
JRE: OpenJDK Runtime Environment 11.0.19+7
JVM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM by Eclipse Adoptium
Memory: 11468 MiB
OCSSWROOT (Java Env): null
Python3 Directory:

SeaDAS Toolbox:
SeaDAS Toolbox Version: 1.3.0
SeaDAS Toolbox Build Date: 202305250045
Configuration: /Users/josbel/.seadas8/etc/
OCSSW Root Directory: /Users/josbel/Applications/SeaDAS/ocssw
OCSSW Log Directory: /
OCSSW Location: local
Environment {$OCSSWROOT} (external): null

NASA Science Processing (OCSSW):
WARNING! Cannot find 'seadas_info' in the OCSSW bin directory

General System and Software (from GUI):

Operating System: Mac OS X 13.4
Java Version: 11.0.19

So, I cannot install SeaDAS processors, a bug appears anytime I click in any question mark:

first line: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/help/HelpSet

a similar error appears anytime I try to open world map:

first line: All factories fail for the operation "Stream"

I first try to update my java version, and ply around with seadas.conf, and I even create a snap.conf, since for some reason it was not created during the installation. Besides, I realise that gpt is not detecting java also, and I reinstall it 5 times already, and try to check my python version and java version, an it seems fine. Anyway, I am not a programmer, so I cannot help more in my diagnosis. I hope you guys fix it soon together with snap 9, since for macOS it does not work either. I do not want to buy another computer.

I attached my log file, in case that helps.
I changed the .log to .pdf to upload it here
(380.97 KiB) Downloaded 1413 times


OB.DAAC - amscott
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Re: SeaDAS 8.3.9 MacOS version bugs

by OB.DAAC - amscott » Mon Jun 05, 2023 12:59 pm America/New_York

Does 8.3.0 work for you?

8.3.9 was to fix an incompatibility issue for Mac Ventura users. You should have no problem to continue using 8.3.0 for your version.

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Re: SeaDAS 8.3.9 MacOS version bugs

by josbel96 » Mon Jun 05, 2023 1:03 pm America/New_York

I do have Ventura, and I have also tried 8.3.0 version, and the toolbar does not work as it was mentioned in different forums, the same problem happened with SNAP 9.

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Re: SeaDAS 8.3.9 MacOS version bugs

by OB.DAAC - amscott » Mon Jun 05, 2023 1:32 pm America/New_York

Okay, I could be misreading your Operating System line above which states MacOS X. I'm fwding you to the SeaDAS team for further help with your error message.
Operating System: Mac OS X 13.4

OB SeaDAS - knowles
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Re: SeaDAS 8.3.9 MacOS version bugs

by OB SeaDAS - knowles » Tue Jun 06, 2023 6:26 am America/New_York

Due to upgrading to use newer Java versions to support Mac OS 13 Ventura, there are issues with the Help system regarding accessing it by clicking on a "?" in a tool. Fortunately, however all the help pages can be accessed through the SeaDAS menu system. Menu > Help Contents".

Regarding your issue with not being able to install the processors, can you show the errors or steps which are failing? To install processors go to Menu > SeaDAS-Toolbox Install/Update SeaDAS Processors..."

Note: there are currently some issues with this installer GUI regarding the ability to choose OCSSW tags which are the default tag, but if you launch SeaDAS from the command line instead of by clicking on it via a Finder window, then the environment is better found by SeaDAS.

You mentioned the ~/.snap.conf file. This file is used by SNAP whereas SeaDAS uses the file ~/.seadas.conf.

SeaDAS 8.3.9 is a temporary release in order to get SeaDAS operational on Mac OS 13 Ventura. There are some features which may not yet work and these will be addressed in the next SeaDAS release later this Summer.

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Re: SeaDAS 8.3.9 MacOS version bugs

by josbel96 » Tue Jun 06, 2023 10:40 am America/New_York

This is the information I got in Terminal, when I open SeaDAS through the terminal, and try to install the SeaDAS Processors:

Last login: Tue Jun 6 16:21:09 on ttys000
josbel@Alfredos-MBP ~ % /Users/josbel/Applications/SeaDAS/bin/seadas
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM warning: Option AggressiveOpts was deprecated in version 11.0 and will likely be removed in a future release.
WARNING: An illegal reflective access operation has occurred
WARNING: Illegal reflective access by org.netbeans.ProxyURLStreamHandlerFactory (file:/Users/josbel/Applications/SeaDAS/platform/lib/boot.jar) to field
WARNING: Please consider reporting this to the maintainers of org.netbeans.ProxyURLStreamHandlerFactory
WARNING: Use --illegal-access=warn to enable warnings of further illegal reflective access operations
WARNING: All illegal access operations will be denied in a future release
going to run install_ocssw
command is: [Ljava.lang.String;@4186aad7
install_ocssw succeeded
pwd null
Running the program [Ljava.lang.String;@72bdc992
going to run sh which python3
bash which python3 succeede
WARNING!: Non zero exit code returned for 'which python3'
This is the error I got in SeaDAS:

execution exception: install_ocssw failed with exit code 127.
Check log for more details.
env: python3: No such file or directory
This is my version of Python:
josbel@Alfredos-MBP ~ % which python3

The main problem for me is when I try to use Graph Builder - Subset and then set the Geographical Coordinates, since it opens World Map, and this is when the bug appears. Every time World Map is somewhere open, the app crashes. The error is the following:

A exception has occurred.
Click Show Details or see the messages.log file located in your /Users/josbel/.seadas8/var/log folder.

That log I attached it in my first post if you need to check it.

I hope you can send a patch or something to fix it, because now I have to use an old computer to work with it, and not just me, some colleagues have the same issues. Thank you for your time

OB SeaDAS - knowles
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Re: SeaDAS 8.3.9 MacOS version bugs

by OB SeaDAS - knowles » Wed Jun 07, 2023 12:58 pm America/New_York

Thank you for your feedback. We are still working on getting SeaDAS fully compatible with Mac OS 13 Ventura. SeaDAS 8.3.9 contains most of the fixes but is a temporary release. We are planning to release a Mac only SeaDAS 8.3.10 (possibly later this week or early next week) which fixes some more of the Mac OS 13 Ventura incompatibility issues. The issue you are experiencing will very likely be resolved in SeaDAS 8.3.10.

The official fix will be in SeaDAS 8.4.0, hopefully early next month. But in the meantime, these Mac OS only releases help get users on Mac OS 13 Ventura able to use SeaDAS again.

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Re: SeaDAS 8.3.9 MacOS version bugs

by josbel96 » Fri Jun 09, 2023 6:27 am America/New_York

Great! I am looking forward to try it!

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Re: SeaDAS 8.3.9 MacOS version bugs

by josbel96 » Fri Jun 16, 2023 10:16 am America/New_York

Hello! I have already tried the 8.3.10 version and it solved the major problems for me! thank you :)
although I must say, that I tried to install the seadas processors I still got the same error:

execution exception: install_ocssw failed with exit code 127.
Check log for more details.
env: python3: No such file or directory

And in the Software and System info I still have this:

Main Application Platform:
Application Version: SeaDAS 8.3.10
SNAP Engine Version:* (SeaDAS Platform modified)
SNAP Desktop Version:* (SeaDAS Platform modified)
SNAP Engine Build Date: 202306140444
SNAP Desktop Build Date: 202306140448
Installation Directory: /Users/josbel/Applications/SeaDas
Data Directory: /Users/josbel/.seadas8
Configuration: /Users/josbel/Applications/SeaDas/etc/
VM Configuration: /Users/josbel/Applications/SeaDas/etc/seadas.conf
WARNING!! File '/Users/josbel/Applications/SeaDas/etc/seadas.conf' does not exist
VM Configuration: /Users/josbel/Applications/SeaDas/etc/snap.conf
WARNING!! File '/Users/josbel/Applications/SeaDas/etc/snap.conf' does not exist
VM Configuration (gpt): /Users/josbel/Applications/SeaDas/bin/gpt.vmoptions
VM Configuration (pconvert): /Users/josbel/Applications/SeaDas/bin/pconvert.vmoptions
Runtime Configuration: /Users/josbel/.seadas8/etc/
Runtime Configuration (SeaDAS Toolbox): /Users/josbel/.seadas8/etc/
JRE: OpenJDK Runtime Environment 11.0.19+7
JVM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM by Eclipse Adoptium
Memory: 11468 MiB
OCSSWROOT (Java Env): null
Python3 Directory:

SeaDAS Toolbox:
SeaDAS Toolbox Version: 1.3.0
SeaDAS Toolbox Build Date: 202306140456
Configuration: /Users/josbel/.seadas8/etc/
OCSSW Root Directory: /Volumes/JosSSD/Programs/SeaDAS
OCSSW Log Directory: /
OCSSW Location: local
Environment {$OCSSWROOT} (external): null

NASA Science Processing (OCSSW):
WARNING! Cannot find 'seadas_info' in the OCSSW bin directory

General System and Software (from GUI):

Operating System: Mac OS X 13.4
Java Version: 11.0.19

I still do not know why SeaDAS cannot find my python3 lib, and it does not give me the option to give the address, btw I do not have SNAP install (because it does not work at all in macOS 13) I don't know if it does have something to do. Anyway, I hope the final version address this problem, since I would like to try to work with the Processors.

OB SeaDAS - xuanyang02
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Re: SeaDAS 8.3.9 MacOS version bugs

by OB SeaDAS - xuanyang02 » Tue Jun 20, 2023 10:27 am America/New_York

It seems that you pythonpath is not set correctly.

Could you please do

Code: Select all

which python3
on the command line, and post the result here?

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