LP DAAC Releases EMITL2BMIN Data Product!

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LP DAAC - jwilson
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LP DAAC Releases EMITL2BMIN Data Product!

by LP DAAC - jwilson » Tue Jun 13, 2023 9:35 am America/New_York

LP DAAC is pleased to announce the release of NASA’s Earth Surface Mineral Dust Source Investigation (EMIT) Level 2B Estimated Mineral Identification and Band Depth and Uncertainty (EMITL2BMIN) data product at a 60 meter (m) spatial resolution. This data product provides estimated mineral identification, band depths, and uncertainty data in a spatially raw, non-orthocorrected format. These data are based on the EMIT L2A Estimated Surface Reflectance and Uncertainty and Masks (EMITL2ARFL) data product, and utilize methodology that expands on the Tetracorder system in order to identify minerals and estimate the corresponding band depths and uncertainties.

EMIT is an imaging spectrometer that records visible to short-wave infrared (VSWIR) light reflected from the surface of Earth’s arid dust source regions. The data will help researchers better understand the compositional makeup of dust particles on the ground and the role they play, when they become airborne, in heating and cooling Earth’s atmosphere and surface.

A citation containing the Digital Object Identifier for each data product is provided below.

EMIT L2B Estimated Mineral Identification and Band Depth and Uncertainty 60 m V001 – EMITL2BMIN
Green, R. EMIT L2B Estimated Mineral Identification and Band Depth and Uncertainty 60 m V001. 2023, distributed by NASA EOSDIS Land Processes DAAC, https://doi.org/10.5067/EMIT/EMITL2BMIN.001. Accessed YYYY-MM-DD.

The EMIT data products are available for download through NASA’s Earthdata Search.

Additional EMIT resources, such as guides, short how-tos, and tutorials can be found on the LP DAAC E-Learning resource page and the NASA EMIT-Data-Resources Repository. Helpful scripts for working with EMIT data, such as converting to ENVI format can be found in the EMIT-Utilities Repository.

Have questions? Please contact LP DAAC User Services.


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