SeaDAS 6.1 Update 01 Released

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OB.DAAC - SeanBailey
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SeaDAS 6.1 Update 01 Released

by OB.DAAC - SeanBailey » Thu May 13, 2010 4:17 pm America/New_York

Dear SeaDAS Community,

This is to announce the release of an update to SeaDAS version 6.1.

This update includes several bug fixes and the minor changes:

* Several minor modifications to the L2 processing GUI
- remove of the erroneously added 'fsol' product
- added normalized fluorescence line height (nflh) and brightness
temperatures (BT_iiii) products to the MODIS L2 products selection GUI
- updated the GIOP tab to include additional bbp functions
and correct an error in indexing assignment with same
* update msl12_defaults files for l2gen
* Add support for multi-level GeoTIFF output
* updated MODIS L1B load routine to apply scale factors
* update to l2gen to correct an issue with MODIS filename substitution
* update to lonlat2pixline to add two additional options:
-v (verbose) output is now 'quiet' by default
-r (resolution) to handle 250 and 500m resolution MODIS data
* update to l1agen_seawifs to handle the latest SeaWiFS GPS anomaly

Additionally, the data directories for processing MODIS-Terra have revised
Rayleigh and aerosol tables and a new data directory to support processing
of the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) OCM2 instrument has been
added. However, given the size of these data processing directories, these
are not distributed as part of this update. If you desire to process MODIS-
Terra or OCM2 data, you will need to download the respective data directories
separately. They are available at: ... ist.tar.gz
and ... cm2.tar.gz

Installing the update:

1) create a directory in your $SEADAS root named 'updates' (if one does not
already exist)

2) download the appropriate platform specific update file(s) from:

linux: ... nux.tar.gz
macintel: ... tel.tar.gz
macppc: ... ppc.tar.gz

3) uncompress the update file:

gunzip -c update_01_<platform>.tar.gz | tar xvpf -

where <platform> is either linux, macppc or macintel as appropriate.

e.g. gunzip -c update_01_linux.tar.gz | tar xvpf -

4) run the update script:
change directories to $SEADAS/updates/update_01

run update_01.csh


The SeaDAS Development Team


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