SeaDAS 6.4 Released

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OB.DAAC - SeanBailey
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SeaDAS 6.4 Released

by OB.DAAC - SeanBailey » Mon Jun 04, 2012 8:45 am America/New_York

SeaDAS 6.4 / 7.0 Processing Update 01 19 Dec 2012
This update affects the data processing code distributed with SeaDAS versions
6.4 and 7.0 (beta).

Important Note for 32bit Linux users - potential GLIBC conflicts:

With this release, the 32bit Linux binaries were compiled on an Ubuntu 12.04
machine, which uses glibc-2.15. The previous 32bit release was compiled on a
CentOS5.8 machine, using glibc-2.5. If your system does not have glibc-2.15,
you may need to recompile the binaries locally.

The 64bit binaries were compiled on an Ubuntu 11.04 machine (glibc-2.13).
This has not changed from the previous release.

Supported platforms for this release are:

- Linux
- Linux x86_64
- Intel Macintosh OS X 10.7 (may work for 10.6 and 10.8 - however not tested)

Added features:

- l2mapgen:
* geotiff output as float if apply_pal is false
* outmode modified to accept text as well as integer input
* exit status modified to allow for proper scripting flow control
- l2gen:
* default absaer_opt set to -1
* added PAR support for VIIRS, PIC support for VIIRS and MERIS
* improved handling of missing values in MODIS/VIIRS
* updated QAA to version 6
* VIIRS processing using the OBPG-produced L1A files, see: ... 122VN.html
* added 'entrained' option to allow use of MODIS Packet info even
if att/eph files can be obtained
* added support for VIIRS and MODIS xcal files
- modifications to the python scripts to better handle error checking

Bug fixes:

- l2gen:
* fixed bug with wsmax values < 6.33
* fixed errors with missing SWIR detectors for MODIS
- smigen:
* resolved bug with 1km resolution setting
- l2bin:
* resolved buffer overflow condition
- l2brsgen:
* resolved buffer overflow condition
* fixed issue with running l0fix on suspect granules
- various and sundry minor bugs eliminated

Installing the update

Obtain the update tarball appropriate to your system:

Linux (32bit):

Linux (64bit):


Change directory to your SeaDAS root:

Untar the file:
tar -xzf seadas_processing_update_<arch>.tar.gz

Run the update script:

cd $OCSSWROOT/updates/update_01/

Processing Notes

Prior to running any processing for MODIS or VIIRS, you should update the LUTs
using: <sensor>

where <sensor> is aqua, terra, or viirsn as appropriate.

For MODIS, in addition to updating the LUTs, this will modify the file:


to point the xcalfile parameter to the new location under



The SeaDAS Development Group


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