problems installing ocssw processors

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problems installing ocssw processors

by pmoller » Thu Mar 02, 2017 8:47 am America/New_York

Hi, I have problems installing ocssw processors. I get the following error:

execution exception: failed with exit code 2.
Check log for more details.
/var/folders/vp/tts6vsks5cz3wj5015rd_y3c0000gn/T/ line 1: html: No such file or directory
/var/folders/vp/tts6vsks5cz3wj5015rd_y3c0000gn/T/ line 2: syntax error near unexpected token `<'
/var/folders/vp/tts6vsks5cz3wj5015rd_y3c0000gn/T/ line 2: `<head><title>301 Moved Permanently</title></head>
I read in the forum that I have to install it manually, however I do not handle the terminal with the commands (I use a MAC OS X Yosemite), can you help me install ocssw processors, please.

I really need to start work

Thanks in advance.



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problems installing ocssw processors

by gnwiii » Thu Mar 02, 2017 12:09 pm America/New_York

Last year you found processing images one at a time was slow.   At that time I suggested that you might find a terminal and shell scripts helpful.  Now it turns out that the terminal is not avoidable if you need to update the OCSSW processing system before the new GUI appears.  If you have not already worked through the Linux Command reference mentioned in Processing image package now might be a good time to start.  I already mentioned that using a terminal makes it easier to post details of a problem.  I should add that RSI is affecting some of my younger colleagues who started their careers with GUI's and have spend many hours processing files using the GUI interface.   One line in a terminal can save 100's of mouse clicks -- the trick, of course, is finding the right line to type in your terminal.  Fortunately, the information you need to install or update the  OCSSW processing system is readily available. 

Since you are using Yosemite, we know that you will have to install a Python 2.7 version that works with NASA's https servers.  Anaconda Python is known to work.

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problems installing ocssw processors

by pmoller » Mon Mar 06, 2017 9:28 am America/New_York

Thanks for the reply, I will really begin to learn how to work with the terminal.

Regarding the installation of ocssw processor, I am doing it from the terminal following the instructions of manual installation that appear in, however I get the following error when I run the installer (step 4)

Mac-mini-de-Paulina:seadas-7.3.2 VidaNautica$ chmod +x
Mac-mini-de-Paulina:seadas-7.3.2 VidaNautica$ ./ --install-dir=$HOME/ocssw --git-branch=v2.10.1 --aqua --seawifs
Installing bundles.sha256sum (1 of 15)
--2017-03-04 09:49:57--
Resolviendo ( 2001:4d0:2418:128::84,
Conectando con ([2001:4d0:2418:128::84]:443... falló: No route to host.
Conectando con ([]:443... conectado.
ERROR: no se puede verificar el certificado de, emitido por “CN=COMODO ECC Domain Validation Secure Server CA,O=COMODO CA Limited,L=Salford,ST=Greater Manchester,C=GB”:
  Imposible verificar localmente la autoridad emisora.
Para conectar inseguramente a, use `--no-check-certificate'.
Error - Executing command "cd /Users/VidaNautica/ocssw; wget --tries=5 --wait=5"
Bundle checksum file (bundles.sha256sum) not downloaded

I have user and password in earthdata, how can I solve this?

Thanks in advance.


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problems installing ocssw processors

by gnwiii » Mon Mar 06, 2017 10:41 am America/New_York

You don't mention the python version.   Apple's python uses an old SSL library that doesn't support NASA's https configuration, so you will need a more up-to-date Python 2.7.   If you did install a newer Python, you may need to adjust your PATH variable to ensure that the new version is being used.  

1)  Determine the location and version of python being used in the terminal:
$ which python
$ python --version
(Note that the $ represents the prompt in a terminal and is typed by the shell program).

2)  If these aren't correct, you need to add the bin directory for the new python-2.7 to your PATH variable:
$ PATH="<location of new python>/bin:$PATH"

Check the new setting as in step 1).  This setting will only apply to the current terminal.  To make it permanent, you will need to add the line to the .bashrc file in your home directory (you will also need to add the two lines shown at the end of the manual installation instructions to the same file).

You also have "--git-branch=v2.10.1".  This should be --git-branch=v7.3 where the v7.3 refers to the current git branch for the OCSSW software that includes the changes needed to use https URL's.

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problems installing ocssw processors

by treble » Mon Mar 06, 2017 6:58 pm America/New_York

Yes, indeed, I am pretty sure you will need to update your python install.  Even with the new SeaDAS that just came out. (7.4).

This is how I did 'fixed' SeaDAS (see some earlier posts), but if you upgrade to SeaDAS 7.4 you only have to do the Anaconda step, since you can do the other steps from the GUI.
I installed Anaconda following Sean's recommendation ( ).  I now have:
python --version: Python 2.7.13 :: Anaconda 4.3.0 (x86_64)
openssl version: OpenSSL 1.0.2k  26 Jan 2017

I reinstalled SeaDAS, installed OCSSW packages from the command line as follows with the latest script:
./ --install-dir=$OCSSWROOT --git-branch=v7.3 --aqua --seawifs

Updating luts from the command line with the script works fine.  I can also create GEO files from the command line with the script.

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