Processing Landsat 8 images with L2gen

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OB SeaDAS - knowles
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Processing Landsat 8 images with L2gen

by OB SeaDAS - knowles » Fri May 25, 2018 1:29 pm America/New_York


The majority of the profiles supplied by default with SeaDAS are designed for the rhos product.  The configuration files used by SeaDAS for creating RGB images are located in the following directory:

Here are the contents of the file  OLI_TrueColor_(655,561,482)_Log which you are trying to use:
red=if (rhos_655 \!\= NaN and rhos_561 \!\= NaN and rhos_482 \!\= NaN) then (log(rhos_655/0.01)/log(1/0.01)) else NaN
green=if (rhos_655 \!\= NaN and rhos_561 \!\= NaN and rhos_482 \!\= NaN) then (log(rhos_561/0.01)/log(1/0.01)) else NaN
blue=if (rhos_655 \!\= NaN and rhos_561 \!\= NaN and rhos_482 \!\= NaN) then (log(rhos_482/0.01)/log(1/0.01)) else NaN

The above file is not configured for Rrs.  If you want to use Rrs you will need to make a new custom file and place it in this directory, or do this via the GUI.  Rrs will be better distributed linear.

Here is an example of the contents of a file OLI_Rrs_(655,561,443)_Linear which you might put in that directory:
red=if (Rrs_655 \!\= NaN and Rrs_561 \!\= NaN and Rrs_443 \!\= NaN) then Rrs_655 else NaN
green=if (Rrs_655 \!\= NaN and Rrs_561 \!\= NaN and Rrs_443 \!\= NaN) then Rrs_561 else NaN
blue=if (Rrs_655 \!\= NaN and Rrs_561 \!\= NaN and Rrs_443 \!\= NaN) then Rrs_443 else NaN

Note: the if clause is important to ensure that all channels are not NaN for any given pixel, otherwise you can get strange out-of-place colors for incomplete pixels.

Also note: the max value will need to be set far below unity when using Rrs (maybe something like max=0.01, you can experiment).  The default range is based on the statistics of the scene, so it may look fine by default, but it won't be a consistent range and hence won't be the same meaning from scene to scene.  It all depends on what you are trying to show.  If you go to SeaDAS -> Preference -> RGB Image you can configure your default range so you don't have to manually enter it every time you make a RGB image.  See attached image for setting the preferences.



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Processing Landsat 8 images with L2gen

by klaudiafu » Wed May 30, 2018 8:42 am America/New_York

Hi all,
i'm trying to import in the SeaDAS 7.5 (on MacOS) L8 Image. Unfortunately  an error message "Cannot decode the selected product file" is shown. The file name is LC08_L1TP_189031_20140513_20170422_01_T1_MTL.txt and the procedure i used is  File - Import - Landsat(GeoTIFF).
Can you help me please?
Kind Regards

OB SeaDAS - knowles
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Processing Landsat 8 images with L2gen

by OB SeaDAS - knowles » Wed May 30, 2018 9:28 am America/New_York

Hi Claudia,

You can process Landsat 8 OLI Collection 1 files with SeaDAS 7.5 using its OCSSW l2gen software component.  The resultant level2 file and its products can then be displayed and analyzed.

You cannot currently directly import and view the "raw" LC08_L1TP_189031_20140513_20170422_01_T1_MTL.txt Collection 1 file.  We may add that capability in a future SeaDAS release.


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Processing Landsat 8 images with L2gen

by alicealo » Wed May 30, 2018 12:10 pm America/New_York

It works like a charm!
Thanks a lot, Danny

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Processing Landsat 8 images with L2gen

by nitaylor » Sat Jun 02, 2018 2:49 pm America/New_York


I'm trying to process a Landsat 8 image in l2gen and keep getting the message: WARNING!!! file [path and filename]_RT_MTL.txt is not a valid input mission: Mission=null

Seems like something is obviously wrong but I'm not sure what. I have SeaDAS 7.5 and I installed the oli processing under OCSSW. I've also tried clearing and re-installing the processor. Any insights into the problem would be much appreciated.

Thanks for the help!


OB SeaDAS - dshea
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Processing Landsat 8 images with L2gen

by OB SeaDAS - dshea » Tue Jun 05, 2018 12:17 pm America/New_York

Could you put the Landsat file some where I can grab it and I will try it here.


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Processing Landsat 8 images with L2gen

by nitaylor » Wed Jun 06, 2018 4:14 pm America/New_York

Hi Don,

Here's a link to google drive with the gzipped file available.



OB SeaDAS - knowles
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Processing Landsat 8 images with L2gen

by OB SeaDAS - knowles » Thu Jun 07, 2018 8:46 am America/New_York


Your file LC08_L1TP_044034_20180430_20180430_01_RT_MTL.txt contains links to the files LC08_L1TP_044034_20180430_20180430_01_RT_B1.TIF , etc. but these files are not present in the tar.  Instead there are files named  LC08_L1TP_044034_20180430_20180430_01_RT_sr_band1.tif, etc.   How and when did you acquire this tar file?


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Processing Landsat 8 images with L2gen

by moritz_lehmann » Thu Aug 02, 2018 11:02 pm America/New_York

Hi Danny,
has Niky's problem been resolved? I have the same issue with a file I just downloaded from Earth Explorer.

I run SeaDAS 7.5.1 on macOS Sierra (10.12.6)
java version "10.0.2" 2018-07-17
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment 18.3 (build 10.0.2+13)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM 18.3 (build 10.0.2+13, mixed mode)

python --version
Python 2.7.13

The file I downloaded is LC08_L1TP_072087_20170330_20170414_01_T1. I have all the bands (TIFs) and can display them in SeaDAS. The file is shared on my google drive (

Many thanks for your help!

OB.DAAC - SeanBailey
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Processing Landsat 8 images with L2gen

by OB.DAAC - SeanBailey » Fri Aug 03, 2018 8:56 am America/New_York

You problem is not the same.  Your path to the input file contains spaces (e.g. .../Landsat data processing/...)
Don't do that, it hurts :grin:

