Exporting GeoTIFFs in SeaDAS 7.4 and Displaying Them in ArcMap 10.4.1

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Exporting GeoTIFFs in SeaDAS 7.4 and Displaying Them in ArcMap 10.4.1

by kmckee » Fri Apr 07, 2017 10:46 am America/New_York


I recently binned some 2016 Level 2 GOCI chlorophyll images and was hoping to export them as GeoTIFFs that I could then display in ArcMap on a Windows machine. This is something that I have done in the past using an older version of SeaDAS (6.4) on a Linux machine with HDF files and I was always able to add the resulting GeoTIFFs to ArcMap. They would appear as they did in SeaDAS and I could overlay my cruise data and whatever else I was interested in.

However, I'm not sure if it's a NetCDF issue or if it has to do with the fact that I'm now using the newer version of SeaDAS, but I am now unable to work with these GeoTIFFs in ArcMap. When I try to add them to my existing maps, they come in with three bands, (red, green, and blue), that I cannot seem to manipulate. They look nothing like the original images in SeaDAS.

I realize that this isn't an ArcMap forum, but perhaps someone has run into this problem and knows a way around it. Any advice would be very much appreciated. Thanks!



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Exporting GeoTIFFs in SeaDAS 7.4 and Displaying Them in ArcMap 10.4.1

by gnwiii » Fri Apr 07, 2017 11:09 am America/New_York

I suspect the relevant change in SeaDAS 7 is the use of a "TrueColour" graphics model.  SeaDAS 6 used 8-bit colour, so your previous GeoTiffs probably had a single band and a colour LUT.  There are tools you can use to check if this is the case (e.g., ImageMagick's "identify") and convert TrueColour to 8-bit indexed colour if ArcGIS isn't doing what you need (ArcGIS RGB issues).

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