reading on matlab

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reading on matlab

by nada31 » Sat Dec 28, 2019 7:40 am America/New_York

I want to read this image ( on MATLAB I exported it to HDF5

i did : data=hdfread(['D:\K\A20130572013064.L3m_8D_CHL_chlor_a_4km.h5',num2str(t_annee(1i,:)),'/A',num2str(t_annee(1i,:)),jour,'.L3m_DAY_chlor_4'],'l3m_data');

where is the error ??


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reading on matlab

by bruce » Wed Jan 01, 2020 11:06 am America/New_York

why are you converting to hdf5?  When I do something similar with PIC, I simply

pic = ncread('','pic');

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