File search and Validation search problem

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File search and Validation search problem

by quantum_lcb » Thu Jun 25, 2020 5:09 am America/New_York

Recently, I check the SeaBass website and try to get some in-situ data, but I found that the File Search and Validation Search Function seems not to work, it causes some troubles to me.
1. File Search and Validation Search were used to be two functions and on different websites, but now become one, is there some updating?
2. The date setting can't by choosing from dateframe but have to enter it directly on the textbox;
3. I can't set the coordinates, the world map was missing;
4. What bothers me most is that when I press 'Perform File Search' or 'Perform Validation Search' button, there was nothing happened, just reset the website and cleared my settings, I can't get any results.
Hope reply.



OB SeaBASS - cwproctor
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File search and Validation search problem

by OB SeaBASS - cwproctor » Thu Jun 25, 2020 10:10 am America/New_York

Hi Liu,

1. File Search and Validation Search were used to be two functions and on different websites, but now become one, is there some updating?

Yes, the pages now share a common URL ( which happened during a site redesign back in 2012 or 2013. The reason was so that the File Search and Validation Search can now be toggled back and forth without the user losing any of their "General Search Parameters" (e.g., date ranges, coordinates, keywords.) Only the File- and Validation-specific parameters in the lower half of the page change.

FYI, there are still URLs that go directly to one or the other:

2. The date setting can't by choosing from dateframe but have to enter it directly on the textbox;

Regarding your issues 2-4, it sounds like there might be a problem with a particular browser, or maybe your settings or addons. The site should work with most modern browsers. Please let us know what browser and version you are using.

4. What bothers me most is that when I press 'Perform File Search' or 'Perform Validation Search' button, there was nothing happened, just reset the website and cleared my settings, I can't get any results.

FYI as a tip to preserve your search settings, click the small button on the right side of the "Perform File Search" button (it is actually 2 buttons) to open your search results in a new tab. That way you can always go back to your original tab where your settings will be saved so you don't have to start over from scratch.

However, I suspect your browser issues must be resolved first before this will help.



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File search and Validation search problem

by quantum_lcb » Fri Jun 26, 2020 5:30 am America/New_York

Thank you for your reply, Chris.
After changing the browser to Edge, problems have been solved. The previous browser I used was Chrome, and the version is 83.0.4103.116 (official version) (64-bit) which is the latest version, do I need to make some setting so that I can use this function?
And I want to ask whether the OLCI Validation will be added into the program?
Thank you?


OB SeaBASS - cwproctor
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File search and Validation search problem

by OB SeaBASS - cwproctor » Fri Jun 26, 2020 10:12 am America/New_York

Hi Liu,

The site should work with Chrome, and I've tested that latest version successfully, so I suspect there might be something off in your settings. Is Javascript disabled in Chrome? That could cause issues similar to what you described. Check Chrome's menu -> Settings -> Site Settings -> Javascript. You could also check to see if you've installed any special browser addons/extensions that are overzealously blocking the search page's scripts.

With regards to OLCI, yes, we'll be adding validation at some point, though I don't have the date yet.



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File search and Validation search problem

by quantum_lcb » Fri Jun 26, 2020 8:28 pm America/New_York

Thanks for your patient reply, Chris. I have removed all extensions and reset the Chrome and now it works!



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