Install netCDF4 Python module

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Install netCDF4 Python module

by jcfischer » Tue Oct 10, 2017 12:59 pm America/New_York

Dear all,
I am about to install SeaDAS under Linux Mint. I followed the instructions ( but struggle to install the netCDF4 python module (under point 8 in the tutorial). The link for the netCDF4 source code download does not work. I tried some other links, but couldn´t find one for the download of this respective zip file. Can anybody help and let me know how to access the link to successfully run this command: wget
Thank you very much! Kindest regards.


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Install netCDF4 Python module

by gnwiii » Tue Oct 10, 2017 2:08 pm America/New_York

That tutorial looks a bit outdated.   SeaDAS is at version 7.4.   Some of the other software also has newer versions.   NetCDF4-python has moved to github: Unidata NetCDF4-python.   There is much better support for NetCDF4-CF files in linux now than there was
when SeaDAS was at version 7.1.  Anaconda python has conda packages for most if not all the modules on the list.

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Install netCDF4 Python module

by jcfischer » Thu Nov 30, 2017 8:48 am America/New_York

Thank you very much! I managed to successfully install SeaDAS.

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