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Process Sentinel-3 OLCI w/l2gen

Posted: Thu May 17, 2018 1:21 pm America/New_York
by dbotis

I would like to process S3-OLCI scenes with l2gen, but I'm unsure on the implementation.

My L1 file is a folder with the following name:

Within the folder are all the bands as radiance in .nc format, some other .nc files with flags and geo information and an xml manifest file. I cannot open the manifest file as I can with SNAP ("No appropriate reader found").

What is the best way to run l2gen here? Do I need to make GEO and L1B files?  Am I missing something? Is running l2gen on the full resolution OLCI files ("EFR") not possible?

Thanks for any guidance on this.


Process Sentinel-3 OLCI w/l2gen

Posted: Thu May 17, 2018 3:20 pm America/New_York
by OB.DAAC - SeanBailey

> I cannot open the manifest file as I can with SNAP ("No appropriate reader found").

Correct, we have not implemented OLCI in the SeaDAS GUI...yet...that will come when we release v8.0, which will be based on fact, we expect that all you'll need to do is add a SeaDAS toolbox to your existing SNAP install :)

The OLCI files are L1B files, and the SAFE format includes the geolocation information, so....
To run l2gen on OLCI, all you'll need pass the manifest file as the input (ifile=xfdumanifest.xml) (or one of the radiance files


Process Sentinel-3 OLCI w/l2gen

Posted: Tue May 29, 2018 3:06 pm America/New_York
by dbotis
Thanks, Sean

Running smoothly now.
