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Output setting of batch processing changes

Posted: Sat May 21, 2022 10:43 pm America/New_York
by oaeen
I have already created my own graph, which has modify the output parameters of reprojection.


However, the output parameters changed when I loaded my graph in Graph Batch Processing. It automatically selected the 'Preserve Resolution' in the node of reprojection but that's not I want. I just want my personally modified output parameters but not the automatically selected one.

Is there any method that I can cope with this question? Thank you for your help!

Re: Output setting of batch processing changes

Posted: Mon May 23, 2022 8:17 am America/New_York
by ASDC - ingridgs
Dear user,

Thank you for reaching out to the Earthdata Forum.

To better re-direct your question to the correct department, can you please let us know what product you are using and what tool are you using?

Thank you,

Re: Output setting of batch processing changes

Posted: Mon May 23, 2022 8:28 am America/New_York
by oaeen
Thank you for your reply!

I am using L2-Level data of MODIS and the product is 'SeaDAS'.

I have already set the output parameters of reprojection in the graph.xml (e.g. Reference Pixel, Easting, Northing). However, when I loaded the graph, the output parameters all disappeared and I have no choice but to set the parameters again.

What should I do to avoid this situation?

Re: Output setting of batch processing changes

Posted: Mon May 23, 2022 4:56 pm America/New_York
by OB SeaDAS - knowles
In order for us to replicate what you are seeing, can you provide the file myGraph3.xml which you are loading into the Batch Processing tool (or can you upload the file's full contents)?

Re: Output setting of batch processing changes

Posted: Mon May 23, 2022 9:56 pm America/New_York
by oaeen


<graph id="Graph">
<node id="Read">
<parameters class="com.bc.ceres.binding.dom.XppDomElement">
<node id="Reproject">
<sourceProduct refid="Read"/>
<parameters class="com.bc.ceres.binding.dom.XppDomElement">
<crs>GEOGCS[&quot;WGS84(DD)&quot;, &#xd;
DATUM[&quot;WGS84&quot;, &#xd;
SPHEROID[&quot;WGS84&quot;, 6378137.0, 298.257223563]], &#xd;
PRIMEM[&quot;Greenwich&quot;, 0.0], &#xd;
UNIT[&quot;degree&quot;, 0.017453292519943295], &#xd;
AXIS[&quot;Geodetic longitude&quot;, EAST], &#xd;
AXIS[&quot;Geodetic latitude&quot;, NORTH]]</crs>
<node id="Subset">
<sourceProduct refid="Reproject"/>
<parameters class="com.bc.ceres.binding.dom.XppDomElement">
<geoRegion>POLYGON ((-75 42, -69.5 42, -69.5 39, -75 39, -75 42, -75 42))</geoRegion>
<node id="Write">
<sourceProduct refid="Subset"/>
<parameters class="com.bc.ceres.binding.dom.XppDomElement">
<applicationData id="Presentation">
<node id="Read">
<displayPosition x="37.0" y="134.0"/>
<node id="Reproject">
<displayPosition x="155.0" y="224.0"/>
<node id="Subset">
<displayPosition x="359.0" y="225.0"/>
<node id="Write">
<displayPosition x="455.0" y="135.0"/>

Re: Output setting of batch processing changes

Posted: Tue May 24, 2022 2:40 pm America/New_York
by OB SeaDAS - knowles
The bad news here is that I can confirm when I load into either the GUI Graph Builder or the GUI Batch Processing an xml file for the Reproject operator containing the fields of the Reproject "Output Parameters", these particular parameters are NOT loaded in, and the defaults are used.

We will look into fixing this in a future SeaDAS release (current release as of this post is SeaDAS 8.2.0)

This is a GUI bug, so running gpt from the command line with your xml file should work fine.

To run from the GUI, right now you will need to manually set these Reproject parameters within the GUI.