VIIRS subscriptions not working?

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VIIRS subscriptions not working?

by alaroy » Wed Jun 15, 2022 12:09 am America/New_York

The file search CGI hasn't found any new VIIRS L2 granules for our subscriptions since about 2022-06-14 13:18 UTC. This includes ocean color (for both VIIRS/NPP and VIIRS/NOAA20) and surface temperature. The affected subscriptions are:


(Interestingly we're continuing to find new MODISA and MODIST L1A granules from our other subscriptions - I'm not immediately sure if this is a reflection of them being MODIS or L1A).

Could someone please take a look at it and correct the problem? Thank you!

-Andrew L.


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Re: VIIRS subscriptions not working?

by LAADS_UserServices_M » Thu Jun 16, 2022 1:07 pm America/New_York

Data processing for L1 and higher level products is behind due to a delay in VIIRS L0 data from EDOS, L0 data provider.
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