l1bgen_modisa issue

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l1bgen_modisa issue

by ryanvandermeulen » Wed Jan 11, 2023 2:10 pm America/New_York

Howdy! I am trying to generate a MODIS-A Level-1B file as follows:

$l1bgen_modisa ifile=A2012039091000.L1A_LAC geofile=AQUA_MODIS.20120208T091000.GEO.hdf ofile=A2012039091000.L1B_LAC.nc
MODIS Aqua L1B version 6.2.1_obpg, built Oct 11 2022 17:05:27
Can not open LogStatus file; there may be problem with PCF file regarding the directory for LogStatus.
Can not open LogReport file; there may be problem with PCF file regarding the directory for LogReport.
Can not open LogUser file; there may be problem with PCF file regarding the directory for LogUser.

Used to work before. I updated the luts to no avail. Any ideas?


OB.DAAC - SeanBailey
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Re: l1bgen_modisa issue

by OB.DAAC - SeanBailey » Thu Jan 12, 2023 8:02 am America/New_York

If you are running l1bgen_modisa directly, you'd need to populate the required environment variables and create the appropriate PCF file. It's quite tedious :D This is why there is a script called modis_L1B.


Code: Select all

$ modis_L1B A2012039091000.L1A_LAC

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Re: l1bgen_modisa issue

by ryanvandermeulen » Thu Jan 12, 2023 11:54 am America/New_York

Nice! Thanks Sean. That worked perfectly. FYI, it got mad that the GEO file downloaded from the L2 browser didn't have the same naming convention that the L1A file had. The GEO file uses YYYYMMDD and the L1A uses YYYYjday. It was giving me this:

ValueError: time data 'unable to determine start time' does not match format '%Y%j%H%M%S'

After renaming the GEO file to the match the L1A convention (A2012039091000.GEO), it worked.

Thanks for the help!

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