Retirement of PO.DAAC Drive

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PODAAC - colleen
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Retirement of PO.DAAC Drive

by PODAAC - colleen » Thu Feb 23, 2023 3:49 pm America/New_York

Originally posted on Tue Jul 13, 2021.

With the migration to the cloud, PO.DAAC is preparing for the next generation of missions. Part of this transition is determining which tools and services are best for our users in the new environment along with the challenges of delivering data faster and at higher volumes than ever before.

As a part of this transition, PO.DAAC Drive will be retired in the near future. We have set up a number of resources to assist in this transition.

See here:

Look for examples on how to Find Granules, Browse / Download Whole Granules, Subscribe to Granules, Bulk Download, etc.

Unfortunately, the WebDAV capability will also be retired.
If you currently ‘mount’ the PO.DAAC Archive to your machine in order to drag-and-drop files or process data as if it were ‘local’, this functionality will not be migrating to the cloud. We recommend one of the above resources, or looking into accessing the data directly from Amazon S3 by processing it in-region.

Depending on the dataset you’re using, the availability of data in Drive will be turned off as early as March 31st, 2023.

For a full list of datasets and their transition dates, please see


PODAAC - colleen
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Joined: Thu May 27, 2021 2:52 pm America/New_York
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Re: Retirement of PO.DAAC Drive

by PODAAC - colleen » Wed Mar 01, 2023 5:37 pm America/New_York

Last year, we informed our users that PO.DAAC Drive and certain legacy data access tools and services (specifically LAS, CWS, THREDDS) will be retiring.

This is a REMINDER for all PO.DAAC users to complete the transition of their legacy data access scripts and methods for compatibility with cloud data access endpoints at their earliest convenience, as PO.DAAC Drive and the legacy data access tools and services (specifically LAS, CWS, THREDDS) will retire on Mar 31, 2023.

Please see the latest announcement in regards to the PO.DAAC DRIVE and other Legacy Tools and Services retiring at the end of this month.

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