FINAL REMINDER - PO.DAAC Drive and Legacy Tools and Services RETIREMENT April 24, 2023 - Important Information for Users

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PODAAC - colleen
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FINAL REMINDER - PO.DAAC Drive and Legacy Tools and Services RETIREMENT April 24, 2023 - Important Information for Users

by PODAAC - colleen » Fri Apr 21, 2023 10:48 am America/New_York

PO.DAAC has been preparing for the next generation of NASA Earth observing missions and the migration of the data archive, tools, and services to the Cloud. Part of this transition is determining which tools and services are best for our users in the new environment along with the challenges of delivering data faster and at higher volumes than ever before.

Last year, we informed our users that as a part of this transition, PO.DAAC Drive and certain legacy data access tools and services (specifically LAS, CWS, THREDDS) will be retiring.

This is a FINAL REMINDER for all PO.DAAC users to complete the transition of their legacy data access scripts and methods for compatibility with cloud data access endpoints at their earliest convenience, as PO.DAAC Drive and the legacy data access tools and services (specifically LAS, CWS, THREDDS) will retire on April 24, 2023.

To ensure a successful transition for all PO.DAAC users, the PO.DAAC in the CLOUD Forum can be used as the primary entry point to help address technical issues and concerns. Our User Services team ( is also standing by to support.

For additional information on the PO.DAAC Data Migration to the Earthdata Cloud, please see the PO.DAAC Cloud Data Page, or the list of....

To read entire announcement, please see:


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