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Level 1&2 browser - scenes not available for ordering

Posted: Thu May 18, 2023 2:48 pm America/New_York
by cortivo
This issue is fixed.

However there is another problem, specially with searching on SeaWiFS MLAC data.
Steps to reach the problem (this problem occurred also before to solve the ORDER DATA problem):
1) In L1&L2 browser set (check box) only SeaWiFS (MLAC)
2) then select any year between 1997 and 2006 (after 2006 really does not exist images for my area -- see below). When I wrote this message I selected 2001.
3) then in lon/lat box write: N=-20;S=-30;W=-50;E=-40 (region at Sao Paulo coast) and then "Find swaths"
4) in the next page I get "Browse image not available" and if I click on "ORDER DATA" I get the page (that does not appear before) and then I select "Do not extract my order data", then click on check box Level 2 (OC) and finally "Review order"
5) The answer (from review order) is: "We're sorry, but none of the scenes in your search results are currently available for ordering from our archive."
However, I did a specific search on your data set and found around 484 images for the lon/lat N=-20;S=-30;W=-50;E=-40.


Re: Level 1&2 browser - scenes not available for ordering

Posted: Thu May 18, 2023 3:30 pm America/New_York
by OB.DAAC - SeanBailey
This issue is related to the change in filename for the MLAC data with the recent reprocessing. Unfortunately, there is no longer a direct link (by way of the filename) between the L1 files and the L2 files and the old browser was expecting that, at least for the data ordering. Unfortunately, we cannot fix this problem quickly - in fact, will not fix it for this legacy browser. We are working on a new browser that will not suffer from this problem. Until it is released, you can create an order for the L1 extracts and either:
1) process them to L2 yourself with SeaDAS, or
2) don't confirm the order, but rather send an email to with the order ID explaining that you want L2 extracts instead. We should be able to make the change and get the L2 extracts made for you.

Sorry for the inconvenience.


Re: Level 1&2 browser - scenes not available for ordering

Posted: Thu May 18, 2023 4:44 pm America/New_York
by cortivo
Hi Sean. Thanks for your reply.
I tried download the L1 data and process locally, however the L1&2 browser does not find all images in that area. By the way, I already solved my problem performing a search on L2 reprocessing data set.
