SeaHawk/Hawkeye L1B geolocation issue

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SeaHawk/Hawkeye L1B geolocation issue

by daurin » Thu Jun 15, 2023 10:26 am America/New_York

I am processing a Hawkeye image from L1A to L1B in SeaDAS 8.3.9 for Ventura using OCSSW tools.

First, I process the GEO file:

Code: Select all

geolocate_hawkeye /Volumes/Megalodon/SeaHawk/L1A/ /Volumes/Megalodon/SeaHawk/L1A/SEAHAWK1_HAWKEYE.20230512T213239.GEO
Without any apparent errors:
geolocate_hawkeye 0.772 (Nov 28 2022 12:23:08)
Dimension Name: number_of_scans Dimension Size: 6000
Dimension Name: number_of_pixels Dimension Size: 1800
Dimension Name: quaternion_elements Dimension Size: 4
Dimension Name: vector_elements Dimension Size: 3
sname: scan_time
double scan_time(number_of_scans) ; 0 number_of_scans 6000
sname: quality_flag
ubyte quality_flag(number_of_scans, number_of_pixels) ; 0 number_of_scans 6000
ubyte quality_flag(number_of_scans, number_of_pixels) ; 1 number_of_pixels 1800

GEO file appears to check out:
Fig 1.jpg
Fig 1.jpg (461.82 KiB) Not viewed yet
Then I process to L1B:

Code: Select all

l1bgen_generic --ifile=/Volumes/Megalodon/SeaHawk/L1A/ --ofile=/Volumes/Megalodon/SeaHawk/L1B/
Without apparent errors:
Loading default parameters from /Users/daurin/Applications/seadas_8.3.9/ocssw/share/common/msl12_defaults.par
Input file /Volumes/Megalodon/SeaHawk/L1A/ is HAWKEYE L1A file.

Loading characteristics for HAWKEYE
Opening sensor information file /Users/daurin/Applications/seadas_8.3.9/ocssw/share/hawkeye/msl12_sensor_info.dat
Bnd Lam Fo Tau_r k_oz k_no2 t_co2 awhite aw bbw
0 412.000 173.272 3.176e-01 2.539e-04 6.042e-19 1.000e+00 0.000e+00 4.840e-03 2.953e-03
Internal data compression requested at compression level: 4
Opening filter file /Users/daurin/Applications/seadas_8.3.9/ocssw/share/hawkeye/hawkeye_filter.dat
Setting -1 x 5 straylight filter on HILT mask
Reading Thuillier_F0.dat
Opening Hawkeye L1A file
Hawkeye L1A npix = 1800; nscans = 6000; nbands = 8
Reading Hawkeye calibration LUT
Will skip first 0 and last 64 scans.
Allocated 1819832 bytes in L1 record.
Opening L1B output file: /Volumes/Megalodon/SeaHawk/L1B/
Processing scan 0
Processing scan 100
Processing scan 5900
Closing hawkeye L1A file

Processing Completed

But the L1B file is unusable for further processing because the Lat/Lon are all = -32767:
Fig 2.jpg
Fig 2.jpg (423.31 KiB) Not viewed yet


OB SeaDAS - dshea
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Re: SeaHawk/Hawkeye L1B geolocation issue

by OB SeaDAS - dshea » Thu Jun 15, 2023 12:46 pm America/New_York

For hawkeye you need to give the geo file also. This command should do the trick:

Code: Select all

l1bgen_generic ifile=/Volumes/Megalodon/SeaHawk/L1A/ ofile=/Volumes/Megalodon/SeaHawk/L1B/

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Re: SeaHawk/Hawkeye L1B geolocation issue

by daurin » Thu Jun 15, 2023 3:51 pm America/New_York

Well, that wasn't very bright. That was the whole reason I'd built the GEO, and then I didn't use it :? . L1B looks fine now. Thank you.

This bring me to the next hurdle. (Not clear if it is geolocation related, so forgive me overworking the thread.)

Regardless if I press on to L2 using my L1B or I use an L2 from Level 2 browser, mapgen fails on l2bin.

Code: Select all

mapgen --ifile /Volumes/Megalodon/SeaHawk/L2/ --geofile /Volumes/Megalodon/SeaHawk/L1A/SEAHAWK1_HAWKEYE.20230512T213239.GEO --ofile /Volumes/Megalodon/SeaHawk/RGB/SEAHAWK1_HAWKEYE.20230512T213239_sub_rbg.png --north 65 --south 62 --west -165.8 --east -160.4 --resolution 0.1km  --verbose  --use_rgb --oformat png

###### l2bin ######

Running: /Users/daurin/Applications/seadas_8.3.9/ocssw/bin/l2bin flaguse=ATMFAIL,BOWTIEDEL ifile=/Volumes/Megalodon/SeaHawk/L2/ area_weighting=1 prodtype=regional latnorth=65 latsouth=62 lonwest=-166 loneast=-160 resolution=HQ
Generated bin file

###### l3mapgen ######

Running: /Users/daurin/Applications/seadas_8.3.9/ocssw/bin/l3mapgen interp=nearest use_rgb=1 oformat=png resolution=0.1km projection=platecarree fudge=1.0 trimNSEW=1 north=65.0 south=62.0 east=-160.4 west=-165.8 ofile=/Volumes/Megalodon/SeaHawk/RGB/SEAHAWK1_HAWKEYE.20230512T213239_sub_rbg.png
Exiting: /Users/daurin/Applications/seadas_8.3.9/ocssw/bin/l3mapgen interp=nearest use_rgb=1 oformat=png resolution=0.1km projection=platecarree fudge=1.0 trimNSEW=1 north=65.0 south=62.0 east=-160.4 west=-165.8 ofile=/Volumes/Megalodon/SeaHawk/RGB/SEAHAWK1_HAWKEYE.20230512T213239_sub_rbg.png returned a status 1

Where is corrupt.

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Re: SeaHawk/Hawkeye L1B geolocation issue

by daurin » Fri Jun 16, 2023 4:21 pm America/New_York

Moving this discussion to a new thread.

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