L3: MODIS-Aqua SST missing file: 2021 annual data

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L3: MODIS-Aqua SST missing file: 2021 annual data

by jfberner » Fri Jun 30, 2023 5:38 pm America/New_York

Hi there,

I've downloaded the following data:
L3-browser, MODIS-Aqua, SST, 4km, Annual data, period 2014-2022, cropped by bbox.

I hadn't notice before finishing the order and download, but annual data for 2021 is missing. Other years are present, and everything is fine. Order ID: 5020a0efe990416b

I went back to the L3&4 browser and tried donwloading data for this year specifically, which led me to the page attached (as png).

Other time resolutions (tested daily and monthly) seem to be working just fine. This is just for 2021 annual data.

I'd like to thank all the work the team does in advance! This is a great community :)
Screenshot from 2023-06-30 18-31-53.png
Screenshot from 2023-06-30 18-31-53.png (53.79 KiB) Not viewed yet


OB.DAAC - amscott
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Re: L3: MODIS-Aqua SST missing file: 2021 annual data

by OB.DAAC - amscott » Mon Jul 03, 2023 11:37 am America/New_York


I think you may have found an authentication glitch. I was able to get the same results as you on my first attempt grabbing annual data, however, I tried again right after, instead of changing data periods as you tried, and was able to retrieve the data the second time. This leads me to believe you were not logged into Earthdata before your first attempt at downloading data. Would you mind trying again to see if you are able to download 2021 data for Annual period?

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Re: L3: MODIS-Aqua SST missing file: 2021 annual data

by jfberner » Mon Jul 03, 2023 12:25 pm America/New_York


Thank you for the reply.

I don't think that was the issue. I've tried again after being logged in, and I was able to order and download Chlorophyll annual data for 2021, but not SST data for the same temporal/spatial resolution.

The Authentication glitch wouldn't explain why the 2021 file was missing from my 2014-2022 request. I got all .nc files for that period except 2021 data.

"Checkout" at the L3&4 browser looks like the attached picture.
Screenshot from 2023-07-03 13-21-33.png
Screenshot from 2023-07-03 13-21-33.png (90.41 KiB) Not viewed yet

OB.DAAC - amscott
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Re: L3: MODIS-Aqua SST missing file: 2021 annual data

by OB.DAAC - amscott » Mon Jul 03, 2023 1:17 pm America/New_York

Thanks for the screenshot! That helps. Looking into this more...

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Re: L3: MODIS-Aqua SST missing file: 2021 annual data

by jfberner » Wed Jul 05, 2023 10:31 am America/New_York

Quick update:

It seems to be working now. I've successfully requested and downloaded the Aqua-MODIS/SST/Annual/2021/4km data.

Not sure what's changed on the backend, but it solved it :)

Thanks a lot for your help and dedication.

OB.DAAC - amscott
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Re: L3: MODIS-Aqua SST missing file: 2021 annual data

by OB.DAAC - amscott » Wed Jul 05, 2023 10:35 am America/New_York

Great, we were able to track down the issue and confirm that it has been corrected. Thanks for your patience.

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