LP DAAC Releases VIIRS Version 2 Thermal Anomalies and Fire Reflectance Data Products

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LP DAAC - jwilson
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LP DAAC Releases VIIRS Version 2 Thermal Anomalies and Fire Reflectance Data Products

by LP DAAC - jwilson » Fri Sep 01, 2023 6:02 pm America/New_York

The LP DAAC is pleased to announce the availability of the Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) Version 2 Thermal Anomalies and Fire product suite. The VIIRS Version 2 release includes data products from both the Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership (Suomi NPP) satellite and the NOAA-20 satellite which was previously called Joint Polar Satellite System-1 (JPSS-1). This release covers the joint mission period from year 2018 up to the leading edge. Details on product improvements for Version 2 are provided on the Digital Object Identifier (DOI) landing pages. Suomi NPP VIIRS Version 1 thermal anomalies and fire data products will remain available and will continue with forward processing during this transition.

A citation containing the DOI for each VIIRS Version 2 Thermal Anomalies and Fire dataset is provided below.

VIIRS/NPP Thermal Anomalies/Fire 6-Min L2 Swath 750 m V002 – VNP14
Giglio, L.. VIIRS/NPP Thermal Anomalies/Fire 6-Min L2 Swath 750m V002. 2023, distributed by NASA EOSDIS Land Processes Distributed Active Archive Center, https://doi.org/10.5067/VIIRS/VNP14.002. Accessed YYYY-MM-DD.

VIIRS/JPSS1 Thermal Anomalies/Fire 6-Min L2 Swath 750 m V002 – VJ114
Giglio, L.. VIIRS/JPSS1 Thermal Anomalies/Fire 6-Min L2 Swath 750m V002. 2023, distributed by NASA EOSDIS Land Processes Distributed Active Archive Center, https://doi.org/10.5067/VIIRS/VJ114.002. Accessed YYYY-MM-DD.

VIIRS/NPP Thermal Anomalies/Fire Daily L3 Global 1 km SIN Grid V002 – VNP14A1
Giglio, L.. VIIRS/NPP Thermal Anomalies and Fire Daily L3 Global 1km SIN Grid V002. 2023, distributed by NASA EOSDIS Land Processes Distributed Active Archive Center, https://doi.org/10.5067/VIIRS/VNP14A1.002. Accessed YYYY-MM-DD.

VIIRS/JPSS1 Thermal Anomalies/Fire Daily L3 Global 1 km SIN Grid V002 – VJ114A1
Giglio, L.. VIIRS/JPSS1 Thermal Anomalies and Fire Daily L3 Global 1km SIN Grid V002. 2023, distributed by NASA EOSDIS Land Processes Distributed Active Archive Center, https://doi.org/10.5067/VIIRS/VJ114A1.002. Accessed YYYY-MM-DD.

Use of the VNP03MODLL/VJ103MODLL data are required to apply accurate geolocation information to the VNP14/VJ114 swath data.

VIIRS/NPP Moderate Resolution Terrain Corrected Geolocation 6-Min L1 Swath 750 m Light V002 – VNP03MODLL
Lin, G.. VIIRS/NPP Moderate Resolution Terrain Corrected Geolocation 6-Min L1 Swath 750m Light V002. 2023, distributed by NASA EOSDIS Land Processes Distributed Active Archive Center, https://doi.org/10.5067/VIIRS/VNP03MODLL.002. Accessed YYYY-MM-DD.

VIIRS/JPSS1 Moderate Resolution Terrain Corrected Geolocation 6-Min L1 Swath 750 m Light V021 – VJ103MODLL
Lin, G.. VIIRS/JPSS1 Moderate Resolution Terrain Corrected Geolocation 6-Min L1 Swath 750m Light V021. 2023, distributed by NASA EOSDIS Land Processes Distributed Active Archive Center, https://doi.org/10.5067/VIIRS/VJ103MODLL.021. Accessed YYYY-MM-DD.

The data are available for download through NASA’s Earthdata Search.

Have questions? Please contact LP DAAC User Services.


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