CSR GRACE-FO Level-2 Monthly Geopotential Spherical Harmonics RL06.2 Dataset Release

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PODAAC - colleen
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CSR GRACE-FO Level-2 Monthly Geopotential Spherical Harmonics RL06.2 Dataset Release

by PODAAC - colleen » Tue Sep 19, 2023 6:09 pm America/New_York

The PO.DAAC is pleased to announce the public release of the GRACE-FO Level-2 Monthly Geopotential Spherical Harmonics RL06.2 dataset from the Center for Space Research (CSR).

This CSR GRACE-FO RL06.2 data is an updated version of the initial GRACE-FO RL06 (DOI: 10.5067/GFL20-MC060) and RL06.1 (DOI: 10.5067/GFL20-MC061) Level-2 data products. RL06.2 differs from RL06.1 only in the handling of GPS data set during Level-2 processing. GPS handling for RL06.2 was re-assessed due to steady degradation in low degrees during late 2022 and 2023 in RL06.1. The resulting RL06.2 time series shows improvement in the low degree coefficients after 2022. In addition....

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