File Search -- Subscription -- Error page

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File Search -- Subscription -- Error page

by oo_processing » Fri Feb 09, 2024 8:51 pm America/New_York

Dear Support,

Where I found the issue?, when doing 'search by subscription' and input any of ID on use: e.g. 1065, I got an error page.
shell command: curl -d "results_as_file=1&sdate=2024-02-04 00:00:00&edate=2024-02-10 01:29:01&subID=1065&subType=1"

This might started at about 1PM, but I just noticed right now from logs.



OB ODPS - towens
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Re: File Search -- Subscription -- Error page

by OB ODPS - towens » Sat Feb 10, 2024 9:25 am America/New_York

We are aware of the problem, but it may not be fixed before Monday.


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Re: File Search -- Subscription -- Error page

by oceani » Sat Feb 10, 2024 11:18 am America/New_York


Is problem noted above related to the Error 500 Internal Server error I have been getting since yesterday afternoon when trying to retrieve subscription products using wget?


OB ODPS - towens
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Re: File Search -- Subscription -- Error page

by OB ODPS - towens » Sun Feb 11, 2024 9:33 am America/New_York

You should now be able to access the file search and subscription search APIs.
Let us know if you continue to have any problems.


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Re: File Search -- Subscription -- Error page

by oo_processing » Mon Feb 12, 2024 10:53 am America/New_York

It works. Thank you !


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