Instrument Characteristics

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Instrument Characteristics

by EarthdataForumContributor » Mon Aug 19, 2019 3:45 pm America/New_York

On May 09, 2017

When reporting on climate observations (Is Climate Changing Cloud Heights? Too Soon to Say) it would be better and more honest to not let your agenda drive your scientific observations! Example "Davies thinks it could take another 15 years of data to spot any possible global effects of climate change." That the earths climate has always been in a state of flux for all of earth's history would deny the existence of geology.
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Re: Instrument Characteristics

by asdc_user_services » Mon Aug 19, 2019 3:47 pm America/New_York

On May 09, 2017 Roger Davies, the author of the study, posted

“There is no ‘agenda' in making or interpreting the cloud height observations. The very careful analysis of the observations clearly shows that the short term (i.e. 15 year) record of cloud heights is dominated by El Niño and La Niña fluctuations. To see past these will require a lot more data, and even another 15 years may be too optimistic for that. Our analysis refers only to cloud heights, and says nothing about other aspects of global climate change. Geology certainly exists, as does climate change on many time scales. The scientific challenge is in deciding when you have a record of sufficient duration to detect a long-term (for example, multi-decadal) trend. While this is easy for, say, Arctic sea-ice, it is hard for cloud heights.”

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