Extracting sst data from netCDF4 data using spyder

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Extracting sst data from netCDF4 data using spyder

by hadeer_ismail22 » Fri Feb 16, 2024 3:29 pm America/New_York

Hi everyone,
i am beginner in dealing with netCDF4 data and using Spyder
I downloaded sst for specific region (Red Sea) and my variables area; lat, lon, and sst.
i made a data Frame one for lat and one for lon, then I stucked there as i dont know how I continue to get sst in the table.
here is the command i used:
df = pd.DataFrame(0, columns = ['Temperature'], index = lon)
i think i have to make a start data and end data ranges but i am not actually familiar how to do it


PODAAC - wenhaoli
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Re: Extracting sst data from netCDF4 data using spyder

by PODAAC - wenhaoli » Tue Feb 20, 2024 7:25 pm America/New_York

Thank you for your inquiry. PO.DAAC has created a online Cookbook page, which provides many examples of accessing the Earthdata cloud, including reading the SST data with Python code. Here is the web link: https://podaac.github.io/tutorials/. For an example, the https://podaac.github.io/tutorials/quarto_text/GHRSST.html section shows several use cases of using GHRSST data products. If you have further questions, please let us know.


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