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by arif_210 » Sun Feb 18, 2024 1:01 am America/New_York

How can I know when the SWOT satellite will overpass Bangladesh next? please provide me with some detailed information regarding this. I need the overpassing time to validate with in-situ data.


PODAAC - celiaoued
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by PODAAC - celiaoued » Wed Feb 21, 2024 11:07 am America/New_York

Assuming you want the HR products, you can figure out which Pass + Tile ID combinations cover your area of interest (using Earthdata Search), and expect one product every 20.86455 days for each of those pass/tile id combos. There should be multiple ascending and descending passes that cover different parts of Bangladesh. But so far, the HR products are only available for a few weeks in April 2023, so I recommend using a LR product or the nadir altimetry (recommended: SWOT_L2_NALT_IGDR_2.0) to search for your region's Pass IDs for now.
For example, for the L2_HR_PIXC products, Tile ID "113L" from Pass ID "536" is located over Bangladash (as well as several other tiles). A recent pass start time for pass 536 is 2024-02-13T03:22:23.712 and the same Tile ID in that same pass should repeat every 20.86455 days
A couple other passes over Bangladesh include pass 467 (2024-02-10T15:53) and pass 495 (2024-02-11T15:54). Depending on your exact region of interest, there may be different pass (and Tile ID numbers within the passes) that interest you.


PODAAC - celiaoued
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by PODAAC - celiaoued » Wed Feb 21, 2024 11:54 am America/New_York

search_for_pass.png (61.82 KiB) Not viewed yet
search_for_pass.png (476.46 KiB) Not viewed yet
Last edited by PODAAC - celiaoued on Wed Feb 21, 2024 12:04 pm America/New_York, edited 1 time in total.

PODAAC - celiaoued
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by PODAAC - celiaoued » Wed Feb 21, 2024 12:02 pm America/New_York

The previous image is an example of using the granule name filter on Earthdata Search. Note that I simply copy the filename up until the cycle number which I replace with ???, then I specify the pass number, and let the rest of the filename be wildcard *. The five resulting granules show a footprint over Bangladesh.

PODAAC - celiaoued
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by PODAAC - celiaoued » Mon Feb 26, 2024 1:27 pm America/New_York

You can also launch this CNES/AVISO tool to search SWOT passes: https://mybinder.org/v2/gh/CNES/search_swot/HEAD?urlpath=voila%2Frender%2Fmain.ipynb

The tool is documented in the SWOT Community Github's CNES-AVISO repository: https://github.com/SWOT-community/CNES-AVISO?tab=readme-ov-file

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