OCO-2 spatial resolution

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OCO-2 spatial resolution

by bext_la » Thu Feb 29, 2024 2:47 am America/New_York


l am trying to download OCO-2 data to estimate carbon dioxide. It shows that data resolution is 2.25 km x 1.29 km. But when download (hdf or h5) data, it display data resolution is 110 km.
Does anybody try to generate this data? there a dozen of subdataset. l am not sure which use.
OCO_Arcfis PRO.png
OCO_Arcfis PRO.png (68.23 KiB) Not viewed yet


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Re: OCO-2 spatial resolution

by mgreene » Thu Feb 29, 2024 3:23 pm America/New_York


Our OCO-2 data and subject matter experts will examine your question and formulate a reply shortly.

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Re: OCO-2 spatial resolution

by mgreene » Fri Mar 01, 2024 1:35 pm America/New_York

Per your attachment, it appears you are interested in a L2 Standard Glint product. I would recommend looking at the L2 Standard v11r product (link: https://disc.gsfc.nasa.gov/datasets/OCO2_L2_Standard_11r/summary?keywords=OCO2_L2_Standard_11r).
The resolution is indeed 2.25km x 1.29km, intentionally narrow to try to "see" in cloudy domains. Additional information on the spatial resolution of OCO-2:
In the spatial domain, the OCO-2 instrument has a narrow swath - it collects 8 soundings over its 0.8-degree wide swath every 0.333 seconds, yielding surface footprints with along-track dimensions < 2.25 km and cross-track dimensions that vary from 0.1 to 1.3 km at nadir.
Please check out our data subsetter for reducing geospatial and temporal data extent. Here is a How-To for it (link: https://disc.gsfc.nasa.gov/information/howto?keywords=subset&title=How%20to%20Subset%20Level-2%20Data)

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Re: OCO-2 spatial resolution

by bext_la » Mon Mar 04, 2024 1:06 am America/New_York


Thanks for response.

l noticed OMSO2 data is Sulphur Dioxide. l need Carbon Dioxide (CO2).
Also tried L2 Standard v11r product, but l could not download orginal data. Maybe l don't click correct way. Please attached file. Probably l download sample data. Do l need wget instruction to get data or there is another way?

OCO data parametr.PNG
OCO data parametr.PNG (36.95 KiB) Not viewed yet

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Re: OCO-2 spatial resolution

by mgreene » Tue Mar 12, 2024 10:55 am America/New_York

Thanks for your reply we will be back in touch soon.

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Re: OCO-2 spatial resolution

by mgreene » Wed Mar 20, 2024 11:20 am America/New_York

Yes, the How-To uses OMSO2 data as an example. The OCO2 L2 Standard v11r product is your best bet (https://disc.gsfc.nasa.gov/datasets/OCO2_L2_Standard_11r/summary?keywords=OCO2_L2_Standard_11r) it sounds. Please note that you need a NASA Earthdata account as shown in your screenshot (Step 1 in the pop-up box). Yes, you can use wget to download data files. You can search through our How-Tos for examples. https://disc.gsfc.nasa.gov/information/howto?keywords=subset&title=wget hopefully that link works.

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Re: OCO-2 spatial resolution

by bext_la » Fri Mar 29, 2024 9:24 am America/New_York


The link does not open. viewtopic.php?p=18221#confirm_external_link-modal

Is there a way download data without wget?

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Re: OCO-2 spatial resolution

by mgreene » Fri Mar 29, 2024 10:00 am America/New_York

Yes, please see our Data Access page for other options, https://disc.gsfc.nasa.gov/information/documents?title=Data%20Access

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Re: OCO-2 spatial resolution

by bext_la » Wed Apr 03, 2024 9:56 am America/New_York

Thanks for sharing. l tried one of this way. Panoply need raster data. l view Arset training data which convert data from txt file. And this give some points over the world.
So OCO-2 data only give some points for all world?
h5 data is not open.
is it possible get country carbon dioxide data? as l read, resolution is 2.25 km x 1.29 km.

in short, how may l download original raster (nc) data?
OCO2.JPG (71.31 KiB) Not viewed yet
h5.PNG (45.77 KiB) Not viewed yet

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Re: OCO-2 spatial resolution

by whitney456 » Wed Apr 03, 2024 11:52 pm America/New_York

thanks for you responce

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