OCCSW binary compatibility in Linux

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OCCSW binary compatibility in Linux

by oo_processing » Mon Apr 15, 2024 1:45 pm America/New_York

Dear Support,

In the past, the OCCSW binary version can run on our cluster, so it's not hard to install. But, the recent T2024.16 requires glibc >= 2.37 on the system level which I'm unable to upgrade. I have to build the program locally, and it was not straightforward. I did retry too many times and fix all sorts of issues before got the program finally.
I wonder if possible you guys can make the binary version with a lower requirement (at least for the V tag), I think many of us are still running old Linux machines.



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Re: OCCSW binary compatibility in Linux

by treble » Mon Jun 03, 2024 12:56 pm America/New_York

Me too :-). Our cluster is running CenOS 7, it's old, but they are not planning to upgrade soon...

I tried to compile from scratch but that failed. See some of my earlier posts.

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Re: OCCSW binary compatibility in Linux

by oo_processing » Mon Jul 01, 2024 12:34 pm America/New_York

Apart from the difficulty to get the builder environment right.
I can share some of my note:

Code: Select all

$ ./install_ocssw --install_dir /path/to/V2024.0 --tag V2024.0 --src --opt_src --common
$ OCSSWROOT=/path/to/V2024.0
$ source /path/to/V2024.0/ocssw_src/OCSSW_bash.env
###### fix file permission issue
/path/to/V2024.0/opt/src $ find -name "BuildIt.py" -exec chmod +x {} \;
/path/to/V2024.0/opt/src $ ./BuildIt.py
###### if stopped, run BuildIt.py of that specific package, then continue
/path/to/V2024.0/opt/src $ cd geotiff
/path/to/V2024.0/opt/src/geotiff $ ./BuildIt.py
/path/to/V2024.0/opt/src/geotiff $ cd ..
/path/to/V2024.0/opt/src $ ./BuildIt.py
###### I couldn't fix tensorflow, so I open BuildIt.py, remove tensorflow
###### opt/lib64 is not pathed
/path/to/V2024.0/opt/ $ cp -r lib64/* lib/
/path/to/V2024.0/ocssw_src $ mkdir build
/path/to/V2024.0/ocssw_src $ cd build
/path/to/V2024.0/ocssw_src/build $ cmake ..
/path/to/V2024.0/ocssw_src/build $ make -j 20
/path/to/V2024.0/ocssw_src/build $ make install
###### get satellites and luts, and test
./install_ocssw --install_dir /path/to/V2024.0 --tag V2024.0 --oci --modisa --modist --viirsdem --viirsj1 --viirsj2 --viirsn --olcis3a --olcis3b
/path/to/V2024.0/bin/update_luts -v all
l2gen --help

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