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Migration of MODIS SST Processing

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2005 9:38 am America/New_York
by genecarlfeldman
Good morning,
As some of you may have noticed in the message that was sent out yesterday, there was a forth update that was mentioned in the introductory paragraph but was left out of the body of the text. That update referred to the migration of MODIS SST processing. While we are still actively involved in defining the specific details, responsibilities, functions and schedules for the transition, the basis of the plan is this. After extensive discussions over the past year, a strategy has been developed between NASA Headquarters, the Goddard Ocean Biology Processing Group (OGBP), the Goddard GES DAAC, NOAA and MODAPS, the JPL Physical Oceanography DAAC, and the University of Miami/RSMAS group to transition the responsibility for the official processing of MODIS SST (AQUA and TERRA) from MODAPS to OBPG. The agreement has been structured to maintain the high quality SST fields that currently result from MODIS observations and to enhance the fields to support the GODAE High Resolution SST Pilot Project. Details of the transition and enhancements to the current services and products will be provided in subsequent e-mails, hopefully, with more than just an inadvertent teaser in the introduction.

With apologies and best regards,
The Ocean Biology Processing Group