SeaDAS 6.2 - Update 01

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OB.DAAC - SeanBailey
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SeaDAS 6.2 - Update 01

by OB.DAAC - SeanBailey » Thu Jan 13, 2011 3:19 pm America/New_York

Dear SeaDAS Community,

This is to announce the release of an update to SeaDAS version 6.2.

This update to includes several bug fixes:
* a modified version of modis_GEO.csh to correct the "$MACHTYPE" issue
* several path-to-binary issues discovered within the data processing GUI code
* the (temporary) reinstitution of the SDSDATA environment variable (a future release will correct the affected executable)

Installing the update:

1) change directory to $SEADAS/updates (if one does not already exist, create it: mkdir $SEADAS/updates)

2) download the update file: ... _01.tar.gz

3) uncompress the update file:

gunzip -c update_01.tar.gz | tar xvpf -

4) run the update script:
change directories to $SEADAS/updates/update_01

run update_01.csh


The SeaDAS Development Team
... who have apparently become believers in RERO ;)


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