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HICO processing in SeaDAS 7

Posted: Tue Jul 16, 2013 3:04 am America/New_York
by obdaac_forum_user
following Gene's announcement on 11th July 2013 I'm trying but don't succeed to process HICO data at L2 with very last release of SeaDAS 7 (multispectral processing).
L1B files come from (hdf)
Visualization is OK but l2gen fails immediately with message: # # WARNING!!! file [my file] is not a valid input mission
Since HICO processor can't be installed from the Java interface (not in Tools/SeaDAS Processing/Install Processors/) I did it manually with ./ --install-dir=$HOME/ocssw --hico but apparently this is not the proper way to do it.

Thank you very much for your help

PS: I guess that L1B files in .bil format from can't be processed? At least they can be opened after installing ENVI reader module

HICO processing in SeaDAS 7

Posted: Tue Jul 16, 2013 9:03 am America/New_York
by OB.DAAC - SeanBailey

The GUI is not "aware" of HICO yet.  We will be updating the processor module to recognize HICO soon.
Until then, you can process from the command line.

Yes, installing the data files for HICO using the script from the command line is perfectly
valid - in fact this is how the GUI does it.

No, the .bil files cannot be processed using l2gen or any of the other processing programs within OCSSW.
Currently processing of the HDF5 files is limited to the MERIS band set - not the full spectral band set
for HICO...  We'll be working on that capability soon as well.


HICO processing in SeaDAS 7

Posted: Tue Jul 16, 2013 9:24 am America/New_York
by obdaac_forum_user
Thanks Sean, it works perfectly fine from the command line!

HICO processing in SeaDAS 7

Posted: Fri Sep 06, 2013 5:52 pm America/New_York
by jryan
Hello Sean,

I just installed SeaDAS 7 and then from the SeaDAS GUI installed processing software for MODIS Aqua and MERIS.  Will specifying the --hico option to add just the HICO processing resources?  (Testing suggests it downloads a lot more...)



HICO processing in SeaDAS 7

Posted: Fri Sep 06, 2013 7:39 pm America/New_York
by OB.DAAC - SeanBailey
If you do not have any other processing module installed, will install the bin, script and common data files in addition to hico files.
If you have previously installed these, then running with the --hico option will add the hico data tree and update the existing files.


HICO processing in SeaDAS 7

Posted: Mon Sep 09, 2013 6:02 pm America/New_York
by jryan
hico tree installed easily; l2gen worked right away; great to have this tool for HICO.  Many thanks.


HICO processing in SeaDAS 7

Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2013 7:12 pm America/New_York
by jryan
Hello Sean,

Considering the note in the original HICO announcement:
   Currently, the HICO data are treated as a 15-band multi-spectral instrument with a band set based on that of the MERIS instrument.

I thought I would specify l2prod according to:

Processing a HICO scene without specification of l2prod yields an L2 output file with Rrs bands, chlor_a, and kd490.  However, I am not succeeding at generating MERIS pigment products (e.g. algal_1, algal_2). 
    ... get_l2prod_index.c - Invalid product name : algal_1
Can the current SeaDAS HICO processing produce these? 

In the MERIS products table, is rect_refl_nir=MCI and rect_refl_red=FLH?  Can SeaDAS produce these from HICO data?

Thank you,


HICO processing in SeaDAS 7

Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2013 7:47 pm America/New_York
by OB.DAAC - SeanBailey
While l2gen can process MERIS, it does not produce the ESA MERIS L2 produces the NASA L2 products.
HICO has 128 bands, but l2gen only reads in the set that correspond to the MERIS wavelengths.

You do not need to modify l2prod for l2gen to process HICO.  We've not calibrated HICO, or even done anything more than
confirm it will process to L2, so bear in mind we are not standing behind any L2 result....yet. 

Modifying l2gen to take full advantage of the HICO hyperspectral band set is on our queue of things to do.  It will require
quite a number of code modifications, as l2gen was designed around multi-spectral instruments.
