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Update the ocssw processors failed

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2017 6:57 am America/New_York
by OB.DAAC - SeanBailey
If your $OCSSWROOT/run/scripts directory was successfully updated it should use https connections and not be redirected.
Verify that you see the following when running git log in the script direcotry:

$ cd $OCSSWROOT/run/scripts
$ git log --oneline
d2acbb5 removed non-ASCII character bug
459d226 http/https proxy fixed
373787f added remote set to ensure https switch
5eca43e updated for default to https
bee89a4 updated for connecting via HTTPS


Update the ocssw processors failed

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2017 7:03 am America/New_York
by gnwiii
Running ./ --install-dir=$HOME/ocssw --direct-broadcast without the --git-branch=v7.3 resets the branch to "master".    When things aren't working smoothly it is a good idea to add the -v flag for verbose output.  You would have seen messages like "Switching to branch -  master".

What do you get from git status -v in the scripts directory?  You should see:

$ cd $OCSSWROOT/run/scripts
$ git status
# On branch v7.3
nothing to commit, working directory clean

I suspect you will have:

$ git status
# On branch master
nothing to commit, working directory clean

If you are still having problems you should mention what platform you are using as there are workarounds for some OS's.  It defeats the purpose of https to use  "--no-check-certificate" with wget, but if you have other issues you need some updates, you may get current certificates once your software is updated.

Update the ocssw processors failed

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2017 7:22 am America/New_York
by OB.DAAC - SeanBailey
Ah good catch :smile:
The master and v7.3 should be the same, but may need a git pull.
or better yet git checkout v7.3


Update the ocssw processors failed

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2017 11:33 am America/New_York
by OB SeaBASS - inymar
Good morning,

Last night Bruce help me fix the wget issue, so now I can use the wget for https. Although, I still have the same errors I mention before. I downloaded the
"" and try

chmod +x
./ --install-dir=$HOME/ocssw --git-branch=v7.3 --aqua --seawifs
./ --install-dir=$HOME/ocssw --git-branch=v7.3 --direct-broadcast

$ git status
On branch v7.3
Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/v7.3'.
Changes not staged for commit:
  (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
  (use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)


Untracked files:
  (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)


no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")

$git log --oneline
8be1ed9 updated for viirs support
031be9a latest updates for v7.3.2
294880c v7.3.2 updates
dc2aaa5 fix to handle the recent modifications to the data server
d599556 part of a process to bring the master branch up to date with current release
a430c5a updated scripts for v7.3
86c8d60 added support for running behind an anonymous proxy
99e099e added new utility
27bde04 updates to multilevel processor and related scripts
084ba2e updated to use wget if available and skip the stash pop
0086b3b fix for mlp file typer bug
4dd1ecd updated source to V2015.1
d90b0a7 merged in latest V2015.0 updates
2929b05 updated to V2015.0
5e48bae added logic to update calfile entry in msl12_defaults.par file for VIIRS
d0eb862 updating install script and processing rules for mlp
c9b3bfe fix for OSX version parsing
a4ed380 modified to select binary based on Mac OS version
abe677a several minor tweaks
0ca5fcb updated to pull xcal data for viirsn
d044d18 updated the httpdl method to reuse open connection
5c77f03 fixed DEFAULT_ANC_DIR_TEXT issue
ad2d7f4 added branch and clean install options
2f4234c added clean install option
07faba7 added resource limit setting
cbb2ad6 added resource limit setting
a86e4ea modified resource limit settings
20fc7f9 updated scripts for v7.1
a29b1eb updated to latest v7.1 versions
982aeff added hico to list of known sensors
7ca9237 updating to latest namer/mlp code
80b407c merged trunk updates for next_level_namer and multi_level_processor'
e0706e5 fix for local option to be truly local - no connection required
22a5202 merged updates to tag
9d9f85f fixes for mlp
107e5cd added files updated for SeaDAS release 7.0.1
e1d1f96 updated to V2013.3
ac41c2c put collection_id info in l1aextract utils to fix bug
23d1adc added binary compatibility check
1ec1b4b mods to add chksum check
a7c618c fix for viirsn lut update
7f99000 added ulimit set
4328298 modified progress meter output
05aba3d fixed verbose bug
cd747b1 added verbose option to httpdl
8ecdd0e fixed aquarius lut update;renamed
f3bffa0 updated to latest trunk version
0198eb1 mods for MODIS C6 GEO and L1A
254ac7b fix for git path problem; fix for stdout buffer
4638acb updated to V2013.1
ca45735 updated to latest trunk versions
cb6933f latest trunk updates
da77f59 added new python script
feb8a6e merged in latest OCSSW trunk
a039d0b merged in latest OCSSW trunk
8b872cf updated to latest trunk
977ca41 initial import scripts

Sean, I do not see the line about https it seems I am doing something wrong

Update the ocssw processors failed

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2017 11:35 am America/New_York
by OB SeaBASS - inymar
I forgot to mention that I am using a Mac OS X El Capitan v10.11.4

Update the ocssw processors failed

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2017 12:17 pm America/New_York
by gnwiii
I have MacOS El Capitan v 10.11.6 (with the supplemental security update), but your version should work once you have newer openssl support in some python-2.7.   The Apple version pf python-2.7 uses a very old openssl library that does not work with the NASA servers.   Macports or Anaconda python-2.7 are known to work, but homebrew python-2.7 may use the outdated Apple openssl library.

See Topic 6427 for details of the required Python SSL library version and tests.

Update the ocssw processors failed

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2017 1:59 pm America/New_York
by OB SeaBASS - inymar
I have this version of phyton:

2.7.11 |Anaconda custom (x86_64)| (default, Dec  6 2015, 18:57:58)
[GCC 4.2.1 (Apple Inc. build 5577)]

and I check the openSSL and it says

"OpenSSL 1.0.2g 1 March 2016"

I have deleted SeaDAS and I re-installing it to see if that works. Do you think I need to upgrade my python too? I thought this should work ...

Thanks a lot!!

Update the ocssw processors failed

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2017 3:21 pm America/New_York
by OB SeaBASS - inymar
Hello everyone,
I just want to let you know that after re-installing seadas everything is working again!
Thank you very much for all your help!

Update the ocssw processors failed

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2017 7:50 pm America/New_York
by treble
I almost have it working completely on my Mac (Sierra).  Re-installing SeaDAS did not fix everything.

I installed Anaconda following Sean's recommendation ( ).  I now have:
python --version: Python 2.7.13 :: Anaconda 4.3.0 (x86_64)
openssl version: OpenSSL 1.0.2k  26 Jan 2017

I reinstalled SeaDAS, installed OCSSW packages from the command line as follows with the latest script:
./ --install-dir=$OCSSWROOT --git-branch=v7.3 --aqua --seawifs

Updating luts from the command line with the script works fine.  I can also create GEO files from the command line with the script.

The GUI is still giving me some problems.  When I click on "Update OC Processors" I get an error message "ocssw installation script failed to download. Please check network connection or 'seadas.ocssw.root' variable in the "seadas.config" file. possible cause of error: Operation time out"
Also, when checking for a new SeaDAS version at start up I get the message "The on-line version check failed, an I/O error occurred.  Please note that..."

I am now able to create GEO files using the GUI, earlier it did give me some problems, but they somehow went away (without making any changes to the SeaDAS install)...  Error also regarding network connection, see snippet from log below when it failed earlier.

710     EPHEMERIS RECORDS WRITTEN.  LAST JED =    2458896.50
720     EPHEMERIS RECORDS WRITTEN.  LAST JED =    2459216.50
Error! could not establish a network connection. Check your network connection.
If you do not find a problem, please try again later.
Creating binary planetary ephemeris file...
Determining required attitude and ephemeris files...

Input file: /Users/treble/Downloads/test/A2015349174000.L1A_LAC
Start time: 2015349174000
End time: 2015349174459

Cannot create geolocation from /Users/treble/Downloads/test/A2015349174000.L1A_LAC; exiting.

Update the ocssw processors failed

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2017 10:13 pm America/New_York
by OB.DAAC - SeanBailey
The GUI update issue will not be resolved until, well, we update the GUI.
Was that your remaining problem?  
