Processing level 0 MODIS Aqua Product

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Processing level 0 MODIS Aqua Product

by fatemahfa » Thu Apr 08, 2021 8:48 am America/New_York

Good Evening;
I am working in red tide project where we need to use level 0 MODIS Aqua images. While I was using SEADAS command L1A to generate a level 1A product from the zero level with pds extension it didn't work and L1A file is not generated. I have tried two websites for downloading level 0 : ... /2008/147/
but same didn't work. Is there any other website for downloading the level 0 product, or I should do any initial step before Modis L1A command?
If I used level 1A product are all the bands available for red tide/algae detection?
Kind regards


OB.DAAC - SeanBailey
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Re: Processing level 0 MODIS Aqua Product

by OB.DAAC - SeanBailey » Thu Apr 08, 2021 11:23 am America/New_York

Unless you have need to concatenate the L0 files to produce a larger L1A file that the standard 5 minute granules, you should probably just use the L1A files we distribute, as the process to go from L0 to L1A will simply produce the same output as we make available as L1A. However, if you want to use L0 as input, you would need to provide more information about how the modis_L1A script is failing for you.


OB SeaDAS - xuanyang02
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Re: Processing level 0 MODIS Aqua Product

by OB SeaDAS - xuanyang02 » Thu Apr 08, 2021 11:34 am America/New_York

Please also tell us what version of SeaDAS you are using, what operating system you are on, what L0 file you are trying to work on and if you have installed modisa processor.

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Re: Processing level 0 MODIS Aqua Product

by fatemahfa » Thu Apr 08, 2021 6:34 pm America/New_York

I got the following error : execution exception: java.lo. loexception modis L1A to create pro null.
Can you please guide me in the steps for processing your modis L1A in SEADAS.
I am using SEADAS 8.0 version
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Re: Processing level 0 MODIS Aqua Product

by fatemahfa » Thu Apr 08, 2021 6:37 pm America/New_York

I am using SEADAS on linux software version 8.0. I am downloading modis level 0 images with .pds extension.

OB SeaDAS - xuanyang02
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Re: Processing level 0 MODIS Aqua Product

by OB SeaDAS - xuanyang02 » Fri Apr 09, 2021 10:08 am America/New_York

Can you do "SeaDAS-OCSSW -> SeaDAS/System Info" and paste the printout here?

Also, please give the specific L0 file name you are working on, so I can try to replicate the error.

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Re: Processing level 0 MODIS Aqua Product

by fatemahfa » Sun Apr 11, 2021 4:23 am America/New_York

Main Application Platform:
Application Version: SeaDAS 8.0.0 (Beta)
Installation Directory: /home/user
Data Directory: /home/user/.seadas8
Configuration: /home/user/etc/
WARNING!! File '/home/user/etc/' does not exist
Configuration2: /home/user/.seadas8/etc/
VM Configuration: /home/user/bin/pconvert.vmoptions
WARNING!! File '/home/user/bin/pconvert.vmoptions' does not exist
VM Configuration (gpt): /home/user/bin/gpt.vmoptions
WARNING!! File '/home/user/bin/gpt.vmoptions' does not exist
Desktop Specification Version: 8.0.1
Engine Specification Version: 8.0.1
JRE: Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment 1.8.0_201-b09
JVM: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM by Oracle Corporation
Memory: 3641 MiB

OCSSWROOT (Java Env): null

Python3 Directory:

SeaDAS Toolbox:
SeaDAS Toolbox Specification Version: 1.0.0
Configuration: /home/user/.seadas8/etc/
OCSSW Root Directory: /home/user/ocssw
OCSSW Log Directory: /home/user
OCSSW Location: local
Environment {$OCSSWROOT} (external): null
WARNING!: An environment variable for OCSSWROOT exists which does not match the GUI configuration. The GUI will use '/home/user/ocssw' as the ocssw root inside the GUI.


NASA Science Processing (OCSSW):
WARNING! Cannot find 'seadas_info' in the OCSSW bin directory

General System and Software:
Operating System: Linux 5.8.0-48-generic
Java Version: 1.8.0_201
The file name is:

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Re: Processing level 0 MODIS Aqua Product

by fatemahfa » Sun Apr 11, 2021 4:35 am America/New_York

Also, can you please provide me with how to work with MODIS level 1A ready product do I can use it in other programs like ENVI, ECOGNITION directly?
Thank you

OB SeaDAS - xuanyang02
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Re: Processing level 0 MODIS Aqua Product

by OB SeaDAS - xuanyang02 » Mon Apr 12, 2021 10:28 am America/New_York

Here is the link you can find L1A files for December 23, 2008. The one corresponding to MOD00.P2008358.0950_1.PDS is A2008358095000.L1A_LAC: ... /2008/358/

You can also find other MODIS-Aqua files here:
Last edited by OB SeaDAS - xuanyang02 on Mon Apr 12, 2021 10:36 am America/New_York, edited 2 times in total.

OB SeaDAS - xuanyang02
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Re: Processing level 0 MODIS Aqua Product

by OB SeaDAS - xuanyang02 » Mon Apr 12, 2021 10:34 am America/New_York

Judging from the SeaDAS/System info output, I am not sure you have installed modisA processor correctly.

Did you do SeaDAS-OCSSW → Install/Update OC Processors as descibed in

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