Calibration files in associated documents

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Calibration files in associated documents

by zacherickson » Fri Nov 12, 2021 6:54 pm America/New_York

I am trying to get access to calibration files associated with specific files for the EXPORTSNP cruise in SeaBASS. For example, the SR1812_004.XMLCON
file in the /calibration_files field for the file
. I have tried searching for this file on SeaBASS, clicking "Include all associated files", and then clicking "documents", which gives me a large .tar.gz file that only includes .sb files. Clicking on "archive" brings me to a site ( ... NP/archive) that lists many .sb files, none of which was my original search. How do I get access to these ancillary documents?


OB SeaBASS - cwproctor
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Re: Calibration files in associated documents

by OB SeaBASS - cwproctor » Mon Nov 15, 2021 9:53 am America/New_York

Hi Zach,

The file you asked about can be found in the documents bundle that comes as part of the order whenever you order at least one file from a particular cruise. FYI, all files listed in "/documents=" as well as "/calibration_files=" should be present in the relevant documents bundle.

There are a couple ways to get this documents bundle that contains the calibration file you're looking for.

1) Use the ordering system. If you use the ordering system to order a SeaBASS file, the order will always include the relevant documents folder. Once you unpack your order, it will create a directory structure that mimics how the dataset is organized in SeaBASS. The documents bundle will be found up one or more directory levels from the data file. Typically it is parallel to the relevant "archive" data folder. There are some exceptions where the documents bundle is found up more than one directory level.

2) Browse Archive. If you're browsing to the archive (e.g., perusing the archive, or looking at the table of data files just prior to ordering the data) you will be able to find a direct download link to the documents bundle. (e.g., 9237990448_documents.tgz)

Just FYI, the associated file bundle you mentioned contains special files or ancillary metadata that are considered optional for most users, which is why users must opt in with the "include all associated files" option. Sometimes calibration files could be part of this. However, you only need to look for ancillary files in the associated bundle if a SeaBASS data file (.sb) contains the metadata header (or the field) called "associated_files" and it lists a file you are interested in.

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