Questions regarding Hourly updates of RINEX FIles

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Questions regarding Hourly updates of RINEX FIles

by arkoushik » Sat Sep 10, 2022 4:05 am America/New_York


We are using the CDDIS services for the testing of our GPS receivers for which we are using the hourly updates. We are attempting to download the data from Linux using the following command :
wget --no-check-certificate "ftps://$(date -u +%Y)/$(date -u +%j)/hour$(date -u +%j0.%g)n.gz"

We are using the data in order to generate the current ephehermerides & Almanac i.e., if my current UTC time is 13:00 hrs, I would want to generate for the current time. However, it is seen that the data is not available during several instances & it takes more than 1 hour from the website for the fresh data to be available.

Could you please let us know if there is any other detail that we are missing in order to get the current data ?



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Re: Questions regarding Hourly updates of RINEX FIles

by CDDIS_support_Lori » Tue Sep 27, 2022 4:56 pm America/New_York

Dear ARK,

Thank you for your question. In order to create the hourly files, the CDDIS requires input from external sources. These sources upload the files hourly so the CDDIS cannot create the hourly files in less than an hour. Though the input files are supposed to be uploaded hourly, sometimes they are not. The CDDIS has no control over when the input files are uploaded.

Best regards,

The CDDIS Team

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Re: Questions regarding Hourly updates of RINEX FIles

by arkoushik » Wed Sep 28, 2022 12:42 am America/New_York

Thanks a lot !!

So the best way then to obtain the ephemeridis data for the unavailable hour would be to capture from the satellites themselves ?

With Regards,

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Re: Questions regarding Hourly updates of RINEX FIles

by CDDIS_support_Lori » Wed Sep 28, 2022 12:52 pm America/New_York


I don't know if that's possible or how you would go about getting them. I am sorry we can't help with that.

The CDDIS Team

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Re: Questions regarding Hourly updates of RINEX FIles

by arkoushik » Thu Sep 29, 2022 3:19 am America/New_York

It is Ok. Thanks a lot. This query can be closed.

With Regards,

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