ORNL DAAC Request for Revising an Existing GCMD Project

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ORNL - yaxingwei
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ORNL DAAC Request for Revising an Existing GCMD Project

by ORNL - yaxingwei » Fri Dec 08, 2023 4:15 pm America/New_York


We'd like to request to revise the description of an existing GCMD project keyword.

Existing GCMD project to be revised: UUID=104ca499-ed21-42ba-8f01-402a9b41a37e
Current short name: ORNL DAAC MODIS Subsets
New short name: TESViS
New long name: Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services
New Definition: The goal of the ORNL DAAC's Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services (TESViS) project is to provide customized subsets and summaries of terrestrial ecology data products for the community to use for validation of models and remote-sensing products and to characterize field sites. The TESViS delivers the subsets along with interactive visualizations and the data are offered as comma separated text files and in Geographic Information System (GIS) compatible format. The subset data are particularly useful in conjunction with other field data. The TESViS allows users to access data in different ways, including subsetting data for any location on Earth through the Global Subsets Tool, accessing pre-processed subsets for popular field sites and long-term monitoring sites through the Fixed Sites Subsets Tool, and retrieving subsets in real-time for any location(s), time period, and area programmatically through a Web service.

Will the UUID remain the same after this update?

Please let me know if you have any questions or need additional information.

Dr. Yaxing Wei (weiy@ornl.gov)
Lead Scientist, ORNL DAAC
Environmental Sciences Division
Oak Ridge National Laboratory


GCMD - tstevens
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Re: ORNL DAAC Request for Revising an Existing GCMD Project

by GCMD - tstevens » Mon Dec 11, 2023 9:14 am America/New_York

@ORNL - yaxingwei Thank you for your keyword request. The project keyword has been updated and the UUID will remain the same. Please review at https://gcmd.earthdata.nasa.gov/kms/concept/104ca499-ed21-42ba-8f01-402a9b41a37e?version=draft.

ORNL - yaxingwei
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Re: ORNL DAAC Request for Revising an Existing GCMD Project

by ORNL - yaxingwei » Mon Dec 11, 2023 11:11 am America/New_York

Thanks! This looks good. Glad to know the UUID won't change.
Dr. Yaxing Wei (weiy@ornl.gov)
Lead Scientist, ORNL DAAC
Environmental Sciences Division
Oak Ridge National Laboratory

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