API-V2 Details Endpoint Regions Parameter Usage

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API-V2 Details Endpoint Regions Parameter Usage

by gusgrins » Wed Jan 03, 2024 3:38 pm America/New_York

Is it possible to use this endpoint in order to return granules that 100% overlap a bounding box? i.e. ignore granules that do not completely overlap the bounding box given. Attached are visuals of a granule that would be ignored and another granule that would be returned.

Example URL:

https://ladsweb.modaps.eosdis.nasa.gov/api/v2/content/details?products=VNP02IMG&temporalRanges=2023-100..2023-100&regions=[BBOX]W-123.8 N40.6 E-122.3 S39.1&instruments=viirs&collections=viirs-c2&archiveSets=5200
Granule that would be returned by this query
Granule that would be returned by this query
VIIRS_Returned_Granule.jpg (336.41 KiB) Not viewed yet
Granule that would be ignored by this query
Granule that would be ignored by this query
VIIRS_Ignored_Granule.jpg (195.73 KiB) Not viewed yet


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Re: API-V2 Details Endpoint Regions Parameter Usage

by LAADS_UserServices_M » Thu Jan 04, 2024 7:35 am America/New_York

No, it will select all granules that intersect with the defined bounding box. So, search will find all granules listed in your examples and will not ignore any.
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